Wine team

  • This team consists of:

    Nikos , Konstantina , Lamprini , Konstantinos, and Georgia , students of 1st EPAL Nafpaktou,

    Henri, student of  Lycée professionnel Pardailhan  and 

    Magdalena , Grzegorz , Natalia and Julia , students of   Zespół Szkół Nr 1, hospitality class 3 F/H, from Limanowa.

    Students of 1st EPAL Nafpaktou have to prepare some questions  related to their blog entry for  the wine festival. The other students have to watch the video, listen to their questions and  send  a video with their answers!!

    This is Henri's answer.

    Here are Magdalena Krzemińska, Grzegorz Golonka, Natalia Dudek (answers). Julia Dudczyk (questions).