Directions show up at the beginning of the game. Directions are clearly written so the player knows: Name of game, what the objective of the game is how to play it, win it, and lose it. No spelling or grammar mistakes.
Directions show up at the beginning of the game. Directions are clearly written so the player knows: Name of game, what the objective of the game is how to play it, win it, and lose it. Some spelling/grammar errors.
Directions show up, but not enough information to play the game.
The information that is there contains no spelling and grammar mistakes.
Directions show up, but not enough information to play the game. The information that shows up contains spelling and grammar mistakes.
Start of Game
starts/resets game to correct player position and background, time and score.
starts/resets game to correct player position and background. Score or Time does not reset.
starts but does not reset either player position or background.
does not trigger any game play at all. The player does not reset, time/score or background.
Player Control
Main actor controlled from keyboard using simple logical keys and controls work correctly.
Main actor controlled from keyboard but keys not simple logical OR controls work incorrectly.
Main actor controlled from keyboard but keys not simple logical AND controls work incorrectly.
No keyboard control of main character.
3 different challenges were used to make the game play more difficult.
2 different challenges were used to make the game play more difficult.
1 challenge was used to make the game play more difficult.
There were no challenges in the game
Sound Effect
Sound effect used effectively with actors to enhance game play.
Sound effect used effectively with actors to enhance game play.
Sound effect used with actors detracts from game play.
No sound effect used in the game.
Player able to win and lose the game. Win/Lose evident to player when event occurs.
Player able to win and lose the game. Win lose not evident to player when event occurs.
Player able to win OR lose the game.
Player unable to either win or lose the game.
Thought went into making the game interesting and fun to play by actors, creative sound effect(s) levels and strategy.
Thought went into making the game interesting and fun to play, but some of the game elements (actors, sounds, strategy) lacked creativity.
Tried to make the game interesting and fun, but several of the game elements made it harder to understand and enjoy the game.
Game was not interesting or fun to play and game elements lacked creativity.