8. Let's give each other our traditional fabrics

  • With this project we are discovering the richness and beauty of our European textile tradition!

    To spread more knowledge and as a sign of the beautiful friendship and collaboration born between the project Partners, let's exchange our traditional fabrics as a gift!





    By April 24


      One of us will record a raffle, in order to know
      who have to send to whom own traditional fabric.

       Our Partner of Beniganim will do that. 

      Each of us will send a traditional fabric to 2 Partners.

    April 24 –

    May 20

      Sending fabrics to Partners by traditional mail.

    By May 30

      Put in the TwinSpace thanks and comments on the gifts received.
      Put in the TwinSpace descriptions and photos of 
    the gifts sent and then thanks and pictures of the gifts received.

      We will prepare a Google Drive Presentation in subpage "Traditional fabrics go around Europe" by collaborative writing.