Project overview

  • About the project

    When we buy clothes, do we pay attention to what they are made of? Maybe not enough! The idea of the project about fibres and fabrics comes from this reflection.
    With a team of teachers of different subjects (science-textile-sewing-social studies-economics-English), this interdisciplinary project will develop three lines:

    1. Chemical composition and properties of textile fibres

    2. Traditions related to fibres and fabrics (2018 will be the European Year of Cultural Heritage that includes traditions)

    3. Socio/Economic/Environmental aspects

    The main goal is to involve pupils actively and intimately so that the learning that is going on during the project will turn into a more positive and mature attitude.


    1. To enhance students cultural identity and, at the same time, to develop a European community spirit

    2. To investigate properties of textile fibres and European traditions related to fibres and fabrics

    3. To stimulate understanding of interconnections between the aspects of reality and making more aware and responsible choices

    4. To improve communication level in English language, ICT and teamwork skills, ability in creating effective and attractive presentations

    5. To stimulate creativity 

    6. To increase the use of ICT and inclusive strategies in the didactic practice and to create an interdisciplinary and multinational teamwork



    The project will be developed during the 2017/2018 school year.

    Step1, November-January: 
    Students and teachers presentations, logo competition, presentations of schools and towns, social surveys. 

    Step2, February-April:
    Lab experiments and multimedia works about fibres and fabrics, visits to museums/farms/factories, works about social/economic/environmental aspects, exchange of products, making a garment with a fabric sent by another partner.

    Step3, May: 
    Assembly of the final work including the contributions of all, surveys, project evaluation.

    Several tools and strategies will be used : interaction between partners, teamwork, classical and web-tools, surveys to stimulate reflections about personal habits and what we learned, exchange of gifts. 



    1. The production of multimedia presentations to share on web

    2. An improvement of students' and teachers' skills

    3. A maturing in making aware and responsible choices 

    4. A greater awareness of the European cultural heritage

    5. A greater self-evaluation, also thanks to the comparison with foreign partners