6. Our lands by Textile traditions, our Cultural Heritage




    March 01- 

    May 15



    Each partner presents own town and region, putting in evidence

    textile aspect: ancient lost and handed down traditions, current

    trade and production,…

    Each partner will have a subpage.

    This task consists of:

    1. A general presentation of own land.

    Each partner can choose to present it as he wishes: by a video,

    padlet, photos, powerpoint presentations,…

    2. An interview (*) to an older person (preferably a relative of a
     pupil), in the original language, with subtitles in English. 
    In the interview, they will ask how they dressed when they were
    In a specific forum, pupils will decide together the questions to be asked. 

    3. Visits to museums, factories and other places of their textile

    tradition. See following table.
    In some cases, the students will do interviews (*) with questions that before, in a specific forum, will have all agreed together.

    Agreed interviews are labelled with (*).

    March 01-

    March 20

    In the forum “Interview”, there will be a student spokesperson
     for each partner to propose questions to be asked. Each partner
     must propose a coupled of questions. 
    At the end the list of all the agreed questions will be drawn up.
    There are 2 forums: 
    1.“Interview with an elderly person”
    2.“Interview with factory of textile traditions”




    Textile tradition/Prodution

    Armentieres, France


    There is a long tradition of textile industry in the region. Today the big mills have closed but there is still a lot of production of linen and there is also lace industry.

    Today the textile industry has become very technical, and northern France has a lot of companies developing "smart" textile for luxury, sport, design, medicine, automobile or aeronautics.  We also have one of the leading textile schools in Europe  (École nationale supérieure des arts et industries textiles) which includes a research laboratory, Gemtex

    Lyon, France

    In and around Lyon, a historical and industrial heritage including silk, viscose, nylon production, work on fabrics (with fabric workers called Canuts).

    Soierie St Georges (silk workshop)

    TSD (industrial silk workshop)


    We are going to visit the factory of the cotton ginning plant, which is located not far from Lamia. All the cotton production from our region is exported. Due the financial crisis almost all the textile factories of Greece are closed.

    We also  are going to visit the last  small factory which use traditional methods for the leather.


    Monastery of the Capuchin friars in Chiaravalle C.le: there is a museum with traditional clothes.
    A handicraft weaving workshop, in Chiaravalle C.le, which reproduces the ancient methods. 
    A little factory in San Floro, a town near Chiaravalle C.le, that resumed the ancient tradition in silk production.
    In our region, in ancient times, kitchen tablecloths were made from the broom plant. 
    In some near town, there was production of wool, …  


    TEBESA, UAB (Kaunas). The company provides constructing, cutting, sewing and packing services. Qualified and experienced specialists use the LECTRA programme.

    COMPANY VK, V.Valiuškio has two factories in Kaunas and Siauliai. Emphasis is given to high quality, assortment development and equipment upgrading, supplying fabrics, zip fasteners, threads.

    VITA BALTIC INTERNATIONAL, UAB (Alytaus r.): production of polyurethane foam blankets, one of the largest producers of polyurethane since 1997, as well as parts for soft furniture, mattresses, pillows, sponges.

    -LINOLITAS: supplier of fabrics, linen fabric



    "Weavers cottage",  making their own polymers out of starch and milk.


    Clothing factories:

    Mondiala, Otto Hermann, Inedit, Siha, etc.

    Traditional folk clothes in the Satu Mare region 

    Alicante, Spain

    VALENCIA. Silk Road city

    1.The silk industry

    2.La Lonja of silk or  the merchants' market in Valencia, is a Gothic masterpiece, a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1996.  in the city. 


    The history from the esparto grass to the carpet in one century


    History of the old textile factories and their relationship with the paper industry

    Beniganim, Spain

    We have a long tradition in home textile and underwear clothes. Our Valley of Albaida has a lot of very known sewing factories in Spain specialized in home textile like Reig Martí, Antilo textile, Belmartí, Manterol, Yebane… But nowadays the competence of chinese companies has reduced the employment on these companies.

    Due to the importance of the home textile there is a Textile Research Institute (AITEX) where they develop new products with new materials for clothes, industries, homes…

    Moreover there is a Textile museum that you can visit and see old machines, looms…


    An Ethnographic Research about Traditional Women Cloth Named Ferace in Balıkesir Region (Balıkesir Univercity)

    Ferace, an important part of Turkish clothing culture since Ottoman time

    Yörükler who migrated to Balikesir region has been living with the nomadic life over time. In these settlements which are master of cooking, there are more unclear weavings

    There are two important characteristics of the oil-bearing carpets. One of them is the natural motif which is called "root paint" which is obtained from the natural plant leaf and roots. The other is the use of the original motif. The woven woolen yarns are woven in pebbles like "Yörük Knümü" weaving.