Each partner presents own town and region, putting in evidence
textile aspect: ancient lost and handed down traditions, current
trade and production,…
Each partner will have a subpage.
This task consists of:
1. A general presentation of own land.
Each partner can choose to present it as he wishes: by a video,
padlet, photos, powerpoint presentations,…
2. An interview (*) to an older person (preferably a relative of a
pupil), in the original language, with subtitles in English.
In the interview, they will ask how they dressed when they were
In a specific forum, pupils will decide together the questions to be asked.
3. Visits to museums, factories and other places of their textile
tradition. See following table.
In some cases, the students will do interviews (*) with questions that before, in a specific forum, will have all agreed together.
Agreed interviews are labelled with (*).