math-teachers evaluation

  • June 2019.

    Math teachers evaluate together their collaboration to the project, answering the following questions.

    - How many students were exposed to the project for the math contents?

    in France, 3 groups of students aged 16 to 18 for about 100 students could see the project through different ways.

    In Spain, 1 group of 6 students could visit Caen and partidiped in different activities in Caen.

    Other group aged 15 to 17 did som activities in Spain and these were uploaded to twinspace.

    A group aged 16 to 18 did a video for meeting in Caen explaining an activity about math.

    - What did the students do?

    in France, some students contributed in various ways, a few of them on one activity at a time

    -math instructors for the transnational teams during the learning meeting held in Caen

    -articles about math activities done in class for the future math magazine

    -videos to explain orally some math activities (magic tricks) done in class

    -presentations to answer tasks given by the Swedish team (tyre code), by the Spanish team (travelled distance), by the French team (volume of the car)

    -the students collaborated together in math activities in Spain (beaking distance of car at 90km/hr), in Sweden (maths for electricity laws)

    In Spain, some students did the activities below:

    - they commented their experience in France with other students

    - activities about speed and wheel

    - activities about consumption in different cars (gasoil, gasolina, electrico)

    - videos to explain orally the activities

    - What are positive points for you?

    The French students like using some apps like the magazine. Some of them are very creative in making their own videos.

    Their collaboration to this project promotes their oral skills in maths AND in English.

    They think that this work is more attractive than a usual math written test.

    Spanish students had the opportunity to share knowledge with other students in France. They knew customs in a French school.

    - What are difficulties for you?

    The French students don't visit the twinspace often enough on their own.

    But they really do appreciate it when reviewing their productions shortly before final examination "baccalauréat" to prepare their oral presentation to the jury.

    Spanish students visiting Caen are not the students working over activities on twinspace.

    They don't visit the twinspace.

    They don't feel near the project.

    - What else could be tried out to improve the situation?

    A statistical survey led on over 300 students from the French school shows that about 70% of the students agec 15-18 do NOT want to be involved in projects. Altough the corresponding statistic is unknown in the Spanish and Swedidh schools it is clear that the pedagogy in classes is central to educate young people to projects and team work. Another indicator from the same survey shows how students get more interested when growing older. Therefore KEEP CALM AND KEEP OUR GOALS IN MIND!

    reference survey: statiscal survey analysis from FR school