Math- Volume

  • Volume - Task from France

    Since the eevee car has to be transported to Spain, Sweden or France we need to know how to calculate the volume of a car. Choose a real car and calculate its volume. It is important to specify precisely which car was choosen for your calculations, for example Toyota Yaris 5 doors.  Explain your reasoning. 

    School year 2017-2018: Answers from FR

    Measuring a car in France.

    photo to come....

    From France , Matthieu Segond, Viste Matheo, Mathieu Jeanne, Lucien DuBourg   

    The Volume of the Car

    To calculate the volume of this ZOE car, we seperated the car into 3 different parts, each with their own width, length, and height, so we could measure them more easily, adding them up in the end to calculate the total volume of the car.

    • In a first part, to calculate the volume of the « front part » of the car, we mesured the front part and front wheels of the car. , and multiplied these lengths together :

    1m by 1,1m by 1,7. It gave 1.87 m cube

    • In a second part, we calculated the bottom part of the car, which were composed of the back wheels and the bottom part the chassis, and multiplied these lengths together :

    0,8m by 2,9m by 1,7. It gave approxamitely 4, 33m cube

    • And in a third and last part, we calculated the top part of the car, especially the windows and roof of the car, and multiplied these lengths together :

    0,52 by 2,9m by 1,7m. It gave 2,56m cube

    To conclude we added up all these results to give a total result of 8,76 m cube. This number represents the total volume of the car. But we think that these results are not the most reliable because they are not the most precise and certain miniature parts of the vehicule, for example the reer-view mirrors were not taken into account. Other mesurements need to made for the result to be a 100% reliable.  

    November 2017 - Learning meeting in FR

    In transnational teams students' task is to measure and calculate the volume of the inside of a car parked in the school yard for tthis activity. Thus they can calculate the weight of air contained in the car hermetically closed and decide how long it would take 4 people to survive in this vehicle!

    This task was conducted for the meeting international students by older FR peers Chloé Grall, Clarisse Andrieu, Mathis Rivat, Gabriel Martin.

    Student task in this following pdf document.

    Step 1, measuring the car's dimensions.

    Step 2, calculating inpeer work.

    Step 3, designing together a collaborative production.