Reached agreements

  • Transnational meeting EEVEE

    Falkenberg , 12 - 14 September, Sweden



    Carlos REINA, math teacher ES

    Paco GARCIA, car mechanics teacher, coordinator ES

    Bengt KARLSSON, math teacher SE

    Roger JONSSON, car mechanics teacher SE

    Emma MAJBERGER, coordinator, SE

    Denis LECLERC, car mechanics teacher FR

    Odile JENVRIN, math teacher , coordinator FR




    Rosa Aarnes for vocational school (200 students and 27 staff)

    Ulf Olsson for the school (1200 students and 200 staff)





    Writing codes used in shared documents

    French teams write in blue, Spanish teams write in red, Swedish teams write in green


    Setting dates

    sharing academic year calendars in the three countries

    -> see excel file “calendar 2017-2018”


    Learning meeting n°1 in France: Thursday 9th to Tuesday 14th November 2017

    Learning meeting n°2 in Spain: Thursday 8th to Tuesday 13rd February 2018


    The shape is modelled by the end of the learning meeting n°1 in FR.


    The frame is started in ES in February 2018 during and after the learning meeting n°2 and is sent by June 2018 to SE since school starts in August in SE for them to prepare the 3rd learning meeting in Sweden.

    The date for the learning meeting n°3 in SE in autumn 2018 will be chosen by December 2017.

    Contents of a learning meeting.

    6 or 7 students and 2 teachers per visiting country = 12 to 14 foreign students + 4 foreign teachers

    Sunday is by the hosting families for the students in local immersion.

    Saturday is a day for culture and tours.

    4 days of professional activities in school’s walls or out of school e.g. visiting a company, a car factory. Best is when students have to give a feedback in return .


    Transnational of visiting students have to produce a document (ppt, video, diary, blog ….) which will be posted on the twinspace to allow the students at home to follow their work during the mobility. Doing so the few elected students on mobility are ambassadors for their many peers who stayed in their home country. This production is a tangible proof for their participation and understanding of activities led during the mobility.


    The hosting school is responsible for designing activities and workshops followed during the learning meeting. All activities contents should be clearly related somehow to the project.

    Latest two weeks in advance before the learning meeting starts the hosting school publishes to the partners a short summary of the contents of activities led during the meeting. Doing so the visiting students can be prepared by the teachers before departure.


    Discussed issue: the time length in hours per day of time dedicated to project professional activities for each student. Should it be an average of 7 full hours a day or not?


    One social gathering among students and hosting families, to export the benefits of the European project into the local population.


    Opening the new twinspace.

    form has been filled together to ask for the opening of the project twinspace and we hope to obtain our real twinspace before the end of this meeting to start to organise it together.




    Number of visiting foreign students to learning meetings

    question: is there a possible way in each country to bring one additional student to learning meetings abroad?

    answer: considering the low price of flights when booked long before (<100 euros whereas EU travel grant is 275 euros per pupil or 360 euros per pupil between ES and SE) it might be possible to finance more students to a learning meeting abroad. This could be a way to reach a total of 7 foreign students per visiting country to each learning meeting if the hosting school has enough hosting families. We decide to follow strictly the number of students in the application for the first year and see if positive reputation brings in the second year more than 6 applicants.


    Sharing technical hints on how to use a twinspace.



    Organising the project twinspace

    Inviting new pupil members can be declared as in the example below in this order to identify each member’s nationality: FR for France, ES for Spain, SE for Sweden




    Creating a new gmail account for the project connected to dedicated youtube account

    e-mail address:


    Teachers teams by subject

    Car mechanics

    Roger Jönsson, Denis Leclerc, Alain Mirey, Paco Garcia, Hans Nilsson, Christian Karlsson, Thobias Källqvist, José Manuel Ramos, Antonio Vicente Canales


    Bengt Karlsson, Isabelle Chéreau, Odile Jenvrin, Stéphanie Durel, Carlos Reina


    Richard Hay Stéphanie Peyroulan, Mitchel Jarmell

    History and Geography

    Sara Bergström Persson, Ludovic Cahagnier, Christophe Girard, José Javier García-Carpintero


    History suggestion from France

    a viking village is being rebuild close to Caen, it is called “Ornavik”

    writing about implications of possible scenarios in history


    The tvvinspace is novv open.

    Teachers are registering on it as teacher administrator.





    Car mechanics teachers find a possible day to join a common video conference that is Tuesdays at 10:30 am.

    Decision is made that the eevee car vvill be URBAN type and no prototype.


    Math teachers have uploaded tasks in a math page.


    English teachers in Svveden used the French colleague’s proposal to start.

    These are Emma Majberger and Richard Hay