SWOT analysis BDW after 1 year of implementation

  • After one year of Breaking Down Walls, the projec t coordinators met at the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting on the Reunion Island in December 2018. During this meeting the coordinators reflected on t the impact of the project after one year of implementation and cooperatively carried out the SWOT analysis of the project:


    Good communication

    Clear expectations of what should be done

    Well organised coordination

    Sharing is caring

    Overcome of difficulties

    Flexibility in adaptation



    Too short stays at meetings

    Few students could travel

    Difficulties of time management

    Difficulties related to the eTwinning platform



    Future partnerships

    Long-term friendships

    Sharing of best practice

    Use of new  teaching methods

    Developing social competences

    Widening students’ and families’ horizons

    Understanding the real meaning of sharing

    Improving English skill

    Getting  to know other countries and cultures

    Deepening  intercultural skills

    Understanding  the real meaning of being European

    Overcoming prejudice



    Lack of sufficient English knowledge

    Lack of participation of teachers  and students

    Difficulty in finding host families