

    1) Choose two examples per group:

    • Better either two “small size” or two “big size” examples, so the difference in scale is not too big.
    • Compute the difference in size between the bigger and the smaller of your two examples. That is: answer the question “How  many times is example A bigger than example B?”


    A worked example could be:


    DNA: 2,3x10-9m    ---------------------------->   ebola virus: 9,7x10-7 m

                 1---------------------------------------->  9,7x10-7 :  2,3x10-9 = 422 = 400 times bigger (aprox.)


    2) Look for two everyday life objects, known to you, with a similar size difference. For instance:


    • A4 sheet length (27cm = 0’27m) and something of approximately  : 0’27*400 = 108 m   -> Football field (105m).


    3) You will then conclude that:


    “To compare a DNA molecule with an Ebola virus is as comparing a A4 sheet with a football field”


    4) Decide in your group how to represent your conclusion and upload it to the twinspace:

    • Slide presentation

    • Prezi, Padlet…

    • Comic, video...