Dissemination: European Quality label
Interview on Arucas Radio about our Project
29th March 2017:Dissemination in the North teachers Center. Showing our project to teachers from different schools in Gran Canaria


Gran Canaria - click here

Gran Canaria - Info Norte Digital click here

Gran Canaria - our project on Facebook click here
Gran Canaria - edublog click here
The Czech Republic - click here
Poland - click here

Spain 2 - Madrid
Workshop at CEIP Juan Pérez Villaamil
On February 7th, the coordinator of the Spanish team, Sonia Ruiz, prepared a workshop on eTwinning showing Good Practices to teachers from Madrid, Poland and Italy. The group of teachers are currently working on an Erasmus + project and wanted to know how to develop a quality project. There they could have a look at our project and the different activities carried out in the project.

Article on the school web page/blog

Spain 2, Madrid - Teachers' training in Madrid November 2017
Comunidad de Madrid organised a teachers training on November 2017 to show teachers how eTwinning works, how it is related to Erasmus + and how to create a project. Best practices were shared so the Spanish coordinator could show our project National Parks as an example of a project awarded with quality labels and national prizes.

Poland - after winning the 1st prize in Polish National Contest, the article about our project was written in FRSE magazine 'Europa dla aktywnych'. You can find us on page 15 (in Polish) click here