International cooperation
TUTORS: CZ lubomir Dohnal, SK Silvia Murgasova
TASK 1. Let's know each other within a group. Make a close, well-cooperated team. In order to do that introduce yourself by your skills, write what you are good / talented at. Think about the project, read the tasks you will be working on and relate your skills to the project.
Useful vocabulary for TASK1
I am good/excellent/talented at...(noun/ verb+ - ing)
I love/adore...(noun/verb+-ing)
I am keen on/fond of/crazy about/ interested in ...(noun/verb+-ing)
I am ..........(well-organized, sociable, well-cooperated, hardworking, patient, talkative, reliable,optimistic, ambitious, well-informed, well-read, regardful, dutiful) so I can/will...
a) Add all the words which are associated with REPTILES / AMPHIBIANS
b) Work on a common 'Dictionary of Nature', you are responsible for translating into your mother tongue Part 7 - reptiles/amphibians
Common Dictionary of Nature
TASK 3. Create a mindmap about reptiles/amphibians in your national parks. Include for example: anatomy, habitats, abilities, species...BE CREATIVE and explore your subject well. The other students will learn about reptiles/amphibians while reading what you did.
a) Read how to create a mindmap , watch a few examples on the website, ask your biology to help you a little, ask your eTwinning teacher if your language is correct.
b) Use for creating your mindmap, than add it to 'collaborative map' as a link.
c) Use colaborative mindmap
TASK 4. Create a logo of your team
a) You are free to decide how you make a logo, it can be a drawing, a collage or on-line creation. Finnaly, it must be an image (jpg, gif) which you can add to tricider. Two elements are obligatory: a word 'eTwinning' and the name of your team.
b) On the tricider provided: add an idea - add the image - write a symbol of your country (capital letters) and your names (Deadline: 31st October) DO NOT ADD ARGUMENTS AND VOTE YET!