7. Gods save Remus! / Salvent dei Remum

  • How wonderful is our family! Now we are going to work with her knowing the gods and of course Remus and his brother Romulus.

    Quam mirifica nostra familia est! Nunc est laborandum una cum ea ad deos cognoscendos et procul dubio Remum et eius fratrem, Romulum.

    Instructions: / Praecepta:

    1. Watch these videos about the Olympian gods and Romulus and Remus. / De deis Olympicis et etiam de Romulo et Remo has pelliculas aspice.
    2. Go to your collaborative document on your family subpage and see your two Olympian gods and Romulus and Remus. Find out on the net about their attributes, their physical and mental characteristics, how they dress, what animals they are accompanied by, etc. / I ad documentum cooperativum in pagina familiae tuae secundaria et duos deos Olympicos tuos, Romulum Remumque aspice. In interreti de eorum insigniis, eorum signis physicis et mentis, quomodo quodam habitu utantur, quae animalia eos comitentur, certiorem fi. ).
    3. Choose a moment in Remus' life and write a story IN ENGLISH in which your two gods help our hero. With these ingredients, make a digital story in Storyjumper. The collection of tales will be collected on Twinboard. / Elige in Remi vita temporis momentum et in lingua Anglica fabulam scribe in qua duo dei tui nostrum heroem adiuvant. In programmatura applicativa “Storijumper” fabulam digitalem conficit. Fabularum corpus in programmatura applicativa “Twinboard” colligitur.
    4. Finally, the teachers will choose scenes from these stories elaborated by the teams. With this material, we will create a questionnaire (quizizz) in which the students have to find out the god / gods that Remo is with and we will play by videoconference. / Tandem magistri harum fabularum a gregibus confectarum scaenas eligent. Hac materia quaestionum collectionem (in programmatura applicativa “Quizz”) confingemus, in qua deus deive cum quo quibusve Remus est a discipulis reperiendum est et per colloquium televisificum ludemus.

    Here you are the rubric with which you will be evaluate (click on the image): / Ecce rubrica ad valorandum opus tuum:


  • Tales of Gods and Remus / Fabulae Deorum Remique

    famila septima
    Familia Tertia

    Laura Martín y Noelia Crespo

    Familia prima


    Familia Secunda
    Familia Quinta
    Familia Quarta
    Familia sexta