6. What a great family!/ Quam magna familia!

  • We are not only an eTwinning project, but also a great big family! so now it' s time to meet and work together!

    In this activity we are going to meet the members of our team discovering the family relationships that unite us. Then we will choose the name of our team, create a slogan and say our three strengths.

    Instructions / Praecepta

    1. First of all, see what team you are on. You can see it here.

    Then read these instructions and go to the subpage of your team

    I. Primum vide in qua grege sis. Potes id videre hic.

    Deinde haec praecepta lege et ad tuae gregis paginam secundariam i.

      2. In this activity, your name will be latinized in -us and -a:

      Nicola > Nicolus; Carmen > Carmena

      II. Discipulorum nomina in -us et -a latinata erunt; verbi gratia:

      Nicola > Nicolus; Carmen > Carmena

      3. Your teacher will give you your name and a clue of family relationship as follows:

      III. Magister cuique discipulo eius nomen dat et etiam eius

      familiaris vinculi indicium hoc modo:

      4. Every team will have a subpage where there is an empty genealogical tree to fill in, a Google Draw and a Debate. To know who's the mother, the father, etc, you have to write in the debate of your subpage Latin questions such as:

      IV. Discipuli in suo orationis filo interrogant Latine interrogationibus sicut:

      • Quis est ...?
      • Quae est...?
      • Cuius est filius...?
      • Num mater est...?
      • Estne pater...?

      Example: Estne Nuria filia Nicoli?

      5. If you know the answer, you have to record it in vocaroo and puts the link in your debate. You can also record your clue, e.g.: Nuria uxor Nicoli est.

      V. Discipulus, qui responsum scit, viva voce in loco retiali nuncupato vocaroo id imprime et in orationis filo fori vinculum retiali scribe.

          6. Any of your team can listen to the the answers and fill in your  genealogical tree

          VI. Discipuli responsis eorum genealogicum stemma complent.

            7.Once this is done, among all of your family have to decide together the name of the team, choose a motto and say three strengths (in English). To do it, you can also use the debate of your subpage. When you have reached an agreement, fill in a Google Draw with an image, the name of your team, the motto and your three strengths. Finally, take a screenshot and upload it to Your Image in your subpage.

            VII. Hoc facto, gregis nomen una constituunt, lemmatem eligunt et tres animi virtutes eorum gregis scribent. Cum omnia e communi consensu essent, inter omnes his omnibus datis delineationem (Delineatio "Google"perficiunt.

             Here you are an example: / Ecce exemplum:

            Here you are the rubric with which you will be evaluate (click on the image):

            Ecce rubrica ad valorandum opus tuum