Module 7: Food,Nutrition &Health

  • Dear students,


    Welcome to the seventh module of ESSAY LAND erasmus+ project!


    We already know that our food has an impact on the environment and climate change.

    But how do we choose food that preserves the planet and our health?


    Good nutrition helps keep us healthy and active and therefore improves our enjoyment of life. A good diet and eating habits are essential for proper growth and development and to prevent disease. Poor diet and nutrition lead to a variety of varied and extremely serious health problems. Many of these problems disable individuals throughout their lives; a number of them result in death. Learning to meet our biological needs throughout life by selecting the right foods for a healthy diet will help us prevent some of the terribly debilitating health problems caused by poor nutrition.

    Eating well to stay healthy requires a basic knowledge of foods and the nutrients they provide, as well as an understanding of our biological needs throughout the different stages of life. With this information, we can adopt sensible eating habits throughout our lives, allowing us to be as healthy as we are.


    In this module we will discuss :

    - the dimensions of health

    - the impact of nutrition on human health

    - the eating habits and healthy diets

    - the impact of food on human health


    and don't forget, at the end of the module to :

    - complete the e-magazine

    - fill in the evaluation sheet

    - and share your work