5. Food pyramid, questionnaires

  • The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.





    The class 2 F made a very important work about the food habits, but also about the waste' habits! Here an example!


    The classes 2 A, E and F at work analysing the results of the questionnaire about the food habits! 

    Risultati questionari seconde (A, E, F).xlsx



    Work and reflections of the classes 2D and 2G about the pyramid food!

    2d 2g _piramide alimentare.docx


    The classes 2A and 2B at work on the pyramid food!


    The class 2E at work on the pyramid food! 


    Our students are working on the food and they will attend in the next days to a meeting with APPA, an association which works on good food habits! 



    The students prepared a game for their food and habits, we had fun in Kahoot:


    The FOOD PYRAMID is in our classroom:



    We spoke about the food tradition in Austria.

    We made a survey about the student's food habits in the class and we draw a food pyramide.

    Food pyramid.pdf





    Children making a Food Pyramid poster :)

    Students have prepared a poster on the topis of eating habits

    PLAKÁT desatero zdravé výživy.docx

    Students of upper classes have prepared a presentation (attached below) on the topic of healthy nutrition for pupils of lower classes, and a food pyramid poster was used during the presentation. During the presentation, children played various interactive games on the topic of healthy eating.

    Zdravá výživa - prezentace pro mladší žáky.pptx

    200 questionnaires on the topic of eating habits were prepared for the pupils of our school. Pupils filled in the questionnaires anonymously and the results are processed in tables and graphs in the presentation.

    (to be attached later on...)

    Children writing FOOD DIARIES - this activity lasted for 4 months (here are some of the pictures)