

    on the deskboard of our school there are some materials realised during the mobility! 


    In occasion of the teachers conferenze on the 8th June the coordinators spoke about the mobility in Italy. More as 130 teachers were listenning!

    presentazione CDU.pptx.pdf


    In occasion of our first mobility in Italy the newspaper of Rovereto, l'Adige, published an article about our school!


    The 27th April 2022 our school was invited to a public meeting  organised by the Municipality of Rovereto. A lot of schools were invited to present their project of "civic education for citizenship". We went to present our project about the bookcrossing! Our students of the videomaker- course made the videopresentation for this project, that the reason why we were also invited with the videomaker's students



    to participate and talk about the pèroject Erasmus Plus.


    Here the link and the results of the satisfaction questionnaire that was given to all students at the end of the year.

    raccolta dati gradimento.pdf


    Here some materials about the online meeting of presentation of all acitivities for the first year! All classes, some parents and some teachers were connected!


    Progetto Erasmus+ - Meeting Info.docx

    Presentazione progetto ERASMUS.pdf


    Final meeting with all students, parents and teachers to present the first part of the project realized in the schoolyear 2020/202! 

    Connect you at 14.15 on the 7th june 2021 on:

    Presentazione progetto ERASMUS.pdf


    The local newspapar published yesterday (21/02/21) an article about our project!!