14. Photo competition

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    Here the photos which gained the first ten places!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

    Carlotta_Italy_3G_13 years


    Anastasia_ Italy_2F_ 13 years




    Chanel and Aicha_Italy_1D_11 years


    Noemi_Italy_1C_11 years


    Alice_Italy_1C_ 11years


    Samuele and Diego_Italy_1E_11years








    All classes of the schools are involved in the photo compatition intitled "We are environment!". Deadline on the 31. May!!!!!

    Let's see!



    The exhibition of photos with natural sites in Bulgaria aroused great interest.



    We present you the photos of our students who collected the most votes in the voting competition:



    During the Lockdown we had the possibility to walk around our school and to make the walk more interesting we asked the students to photograph the most particoular aspects of our environment including themselves.

    We then organised an exposition at school where the students choose the best photos.

    Here are the results:

    The pictures has Been realised by: Rosenkranz Maximilian, Katharina Szabo, Helena Robier, Philippa Rock, Leo Posch, Florian Rosseger, Luca Schafer, Stefan Santner, Paula Papak, Valentin Leinwber (Age 13)


    Here is the photostory of all the countries:



    Our students went outside to take photos of the freshly snow-covered nature. You can discover completely new structures or even traces of wild animals that you otherwise wouldn't notice. The snow hides the familiar nature and thus makes much more visible. We selected ten pictures to share with you.

    Bastian, 14

    Bastian, 14

    Chiara, 14

    Justin, 13

    Luisa, 14

    Luisa, 14

    Luisa, 14

    Luis, 14

    Luisa, 14

    Melissa, 13


    With the beginning of the new month April, a photo competition was announced at school, in which students of all classes and of all ages can participate.
    Although students continue with distant learning, we believe that many students will take part. Let's see what photos we will have to share with our foreign friends at the beginning of May. The theme of the photo competition is: "A place where I live - a place around me - a place I like".

    A poster announcing the photocompetition for students was created by one of the students:

    80 pupils from the school took part in the photo competition entitled "A place where I live - a place around me - a place I like". (there are 220 students at school altogether).

    Pupils sent photographs to school in an electronic form throughout the month of April, because they were still distance learning. All photographs are displayed on a big noticeboard at school. During the month of May, pupils will gradually return to school, so they all will be able to vote for the photo they like best. Photographs that will receive the most votes will be used in an international album along with photographs of all participating schools.


    A noticeboard prepared for children´s and teacher´s voting which will take place from Monday 1Oth May to Friday 21st May :)))

    All students at the school participated in the vote for the most beautiful photos, each student could vote for 3 photos:

    A total of 80 students took part in a photo competition in which a total of 97 photos were sent. Here are TEN MOST BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS that received the most votes from students and from teachers:

    10 PHOTOS _ Czech Republic.pdf