The story and the performance


    Here is the story and the performance we created after interviewing our ancestors and searching for information.

    After this deep research, we are ready to create a little story because we want to become ancient people from ancient times  mixing our " modern unhealthy habits" with those old but "very healthy" ones. The final goal of all of this is to perform our story all together too!!!

    We decided to work with "Storyjumper" 2.0 webtool, which allowed us to create the book online all together, first Greece started, then Catalonia, then Poland and so on. How creative and artistic our passengers became after learning how the tool works! 



    Amazing, incredible, brilliant, exciting...! how wonderful it is to work as a team. We've done it!!!!

    The play of our story " Nutri Fit Family" has been performed by the 3 countries at the same time, different sceneries have become the background of our characters, the forest in Poland, the garden in Greece and the castle in Catalonia!

    Can you believe that someone from Greece knocks at the door and a Polish character opens it?

    And what about the king's nightmares inside the castle ( in Catalonia) , having strawberries, oranges and carrots talking to him all around ( from Greece) ?

    Just watch it and enjoy the play. LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!