A poem by Mahmoud Darwish


    I long for my mother's bread 
    My mother's coffee 
    Her touch 
    Childhood memories grow up in me 
    Day after day 
    I must be worth my life 
    At the hour of my death 
    Worth the tears of my mother. 
    And if I come back one day 
    Take me as a veil to your eyelashes 
    Cover my bones with the grass 
    Blessed by your footsteps 
    Bind us together 
    With a lock of your hair 
    With a thread that trails from the back of your dress 
    I might become immortal 
    Become a God 
    If I touch the depths of your heart. 
    If I come back 
    Use me as wood to feed your fire 
    As the clothesline on the roof of your house 
    Without your blessing 
    I am too weak to stand. 
    I am old 
    Give me back the star maps of childhood 
    So that I 
    Along with the swallows 
    Can chart the path 
    Back to your waiting nest. 

    Mahmoud Darwish


    Mahmoud Darwish (Arabicمحمود درويش‎, 13 March 1942 – 9 August 2008) was a Palestinian poet and author who won numerous awards for his literary output and was regarded as the Palestinian national poet.[1] In his work, Palestine became a metaphor for the loss of Eden, birth and resurrection, and the anguish of dispossession and exile.[2][3] He has been described as incarnating and reflecting "the tradition of the political poet in Islam, the man of action whose action is poetry".[4]