
  • The news about our first meeting in Skopje (CZ school web page and local newspaper). 

    The news about our second meeting in Schwerin (CZ school web page and local newspaper).

    The news about our third meeting in Braga (CZ school web page, local newspaper).

    The news about our fourth meeting in Pacov (CZ school web page and local newspaper).


    Of course, we also try to advertise our project as well as Erasmus+ as often as possible.

    Here's one article that was published in a newspaper of Schwerin on 21st January 2020:

    News about the first staff meeting (Schwerin) published in a local portuguese newspaper "Diário do Minho" from Braga, on 23/10/2019 and at the school.

    The results of the questionnaire published in two local portuguese newspaper from Braga, "Correio do Minho" on 12/01/2020 and "Diário do Minho on 13/01/2020

    News about the first student exchange in Macedonia published in two local portuguese newspaper from Braga, "Diário do Minho" on 11/02/2020 and "Correio do Minho on 13/02/2020 and at the school.

    Also, the other German students of IGS Brecht were able to read about the 1st student exchange.

    News about the second staff meeting in Braga published in the local Portuguese newspaper "Correio do Minho" on 02/11/2021.

    German students could read about the staff meeting in Braga, Portugal.

    German students can also read about the mobility in Germany.

    The local newspaper reported about the second part of the project in the newspaper of Schwerin.