

    18 - 22 NOVEMBER 2019



    Our first project meeting is over!

    We met in November in Suceava and spent a week working on the project tasks and having fun together.

    Our Romanian partner organised many interesting activities for the project team, most of them took place at school.

    We started with  integration works hops -   ice-breakers, speaking activities, games to get to know each other. After that our hosts presented their country for us and all the guests took part in  a Kahoot quiz “What do you know about our country?”. It was not easy…

    The following days were very busy. There was a lot of Maths…   maths in geography, maths in chemistry, maths in physics and maths in IT! These were lessons  and workshops using active methods, ICT and specially designed worksheets in the English language.

    Maths competition for the project group was held on the second day.  It was divided in three parts – a kahoot quiz, arithmetic tasks and  logical puzzle - all the parts were done by the competitiors working in pairs, then the scores were added. The winner was… Bulgaria! Congratulations J

    We also had Funny Maths workshop – young people were presented with funny aspects of Maths and logical problems, e.g. different kinds and levels od Sudoku with a competition among students.

    During the meeting we had  a chance to Discovery  Suceava Town Center, the Suceava Fortress and the impressive park with the equestrian statue of Stephen III of Moldavia. The walk up the hill where the statue is located was quite demanding – there were over 200 steps to climb!

     Having a whole-day trip to famous painted medieval monasteries (UNESCO protected)  we had an outdoor lesson of architecture and Maths as well as Romanian culture and history.

     The Project team also had a visit to the University of Suceava (we had meeting with professors working in the technology and physics department) and to the Planetarium with a workshop Astronomy and Maths. The most memorable part of the visit was a concert of … Tesla machine!

    The meeting ended with a contest: the funniest photo of the week! This time the winners were the Polish team J

    After  an evaluation session: questionnaires, interviews , comments posted on the Twin Space forum there was a certificate ceremony and an official closing-up of the meeting.



    Photo album
    Sudoku - presentation
    Romania - a presentation
    Suceava - a presentation
    Maths competition - part 1
    Maths competition - part 2
    Maths competition - part 3
    Maths in Geography
    Funny Maths
    Videos by partner schools