
  • Glogster about Friendship from Pioneer Middle School of Sfax


    Padlet for friendship from B4 Informatics class in Petroupoli Greece

    Glogster about brotherhood from Pioneer Middle School of Sfax



    B3 class in 4th Junior High School in Petroupoli (16/2/2016):

    working in word clouds for friendship:

    1) Brainstorming

    And then:

    1) Word cloud using Tagxedo .....

    ..... and image using imagechef:


    and more word clouds using ABCYa




    Friendship message from Dorohoi 




    But most important is sharing precious momments

    with friends in reality:

    By Sfax: Friendship story:

    By Sfax: Expectations and Reality

    Luna from Santander, Spain at Pylos kindergarten's students homes



    Callisto from Krokos, Greece with students at Vinkovci, Croatia



    Sofia from Petroupolis, Greece with students at their homes in Ljubjana


    Peter from Slovenia with Iasonas at Petroupoli, Greece


    and .... more moments sharing among friends in:

    "Myriem's friends enjoy time at..." supages