SPECIAL event in Tunisia

  • ​March Event about Myriem

    We participate in Myriem's event in Tynisia on 19 March and by clicking on events poster you can see the program of that day...

    ......we wish we could be there to hold our posters by ourselves!




    A POSTER FOR MYRIEM from Santander (SPAIN)

    Santander's students have also written A LETTER TO MYRIEM sending their love and support to Tunisia:



     Poster for Myriem from Petroupolis (GREECE)


    And more art work for « Nous voulons la paix, créons l’amour » event

    Our posters have arrived!





    Letter for Myriem from Mariuca, Dorohoi .


    Poster  for  Myriem  from  Krokos- Greece