Quizz for partners' countries

  • Quizz for partners

    a) From Dorohoi, ROMANIA

     "Here it is , the Quizz from Romania. I hope you will enjoy this !" Lidia Baroi, 20-10-2015



    b) From Krokos, GREECE

    You have to open two labels in your browser. In the first you paste the link . In the second you entered in :kahoot.it . Enter the game pin that is given to you in the first page . You have to work with the two pages , showing the question to the one and answering to the other.                                   LINK:  play.kahoot.it/#/k/e699d406-6fc3-42a1-a15b-b1c06d576a0a


    3. Our quizz - Vinkovci, Croatia

    This presentation is an initiative by Dominik Bočak student of 8.b class in Vinkovci, Croatia ...

    a  feedback from Quiz about Greece? ...mainly beacuse of our real time communication and collaboration as it is come in the ending of the project. Either the case we really thank you  because it was your thought to do this!