Live events recordings and photos

  • 17. May 9th, 2016: Students in Petroupolis-Greece host  Sfax-Tunisia's students in the Live event "Meet me beyond diffrences" (our participation in eTwinning's NSS campaign "Celebrate Diversity")

    Thank you Ben Ali Ahlem for joining us.
    Thank you Sfax's team for exchanging with us.
    Santander had posted on padlet wall that was made especially for the event but as Pylos and Pastida, they had also scheduling problems.

    16. April 14th, 2016: Santander's students meet Pylos' students



    15. April 15th, 2016: Teachers meeting for arrangements on final activities



    14. January 19th, 2016: Teachers long meeting for scheduling activities


    13. December 21st, 2015: Vinkovci, Krokos, Petroupoli classes meeting

    12. December 21st,  2015: Santander's students are singing for Pylos. 


    11. December 17th, 2015: Exchanging Christmas wishes among all school partners classes.




    10. December 10th : Meeting among Pylos-Greece kindergarten, Vinkovci-Croatia class and Santander-Spain's class


    9. November 30th: Petroupoli-Greece B3 class meets Santander-Spain's class. Petroupolis headmaster, Mrs Anastasia Botsari was present also



    8. November 27th: Dorohoi-Romania, Vinkovci-Croatia, Krokos and Petroupoli-Greece, Santander-Spain and Tunis-Tunisia classes are making pairs among schools for Chistmas exchanges - dolls vacations abroad

    Live event with six CLASSES connected(great feeling)

    7. November 5th: Kata's meeting


    6. October 20th: Teachers meeting about scheduling activities



    5. October 15th, 2015: Meeting friends in classes

    (Petroupoli meets Krokos and Tunis)



    4. October 6th, at night: teachers meeting on scheduling





    3. October 6th,2015 in the morning: First meeting with Classes


    2. October  3rd: Teachers knowing each other


    1. September 28th, 2015: First meeting, testing Adobe Connect

    (happy for having an eTinning LIVE event)