In this project will collaborate the schools:
SU Rkzarh Antim I, Kazanlak, Bulgaria- the coordinator
Peiramatiko Lykeio Rethymnou, Greece
Istituto Paritario A. Volta, Bari, Italy
IES Punta del Verde in Seville, Spain
II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Króla Jana III Sobieskiego w Krakowie ,Poland
Friedrich-Albert-Lange Schule NRW-Sportschule, Solingen, Germany
The main goal of this project is to respond to recent modern world needs—building adequate skills in our students to help in their successful adaptation and realization and raising our students’ awareness of being active European citizens through the help of creative learning and creative teaching.
Six European schools participated in this project and were united around the idea that drama can be the shortest route to shaping young Europeans' future — raising their creativity, awareness, responsibilities and building an active attitude toward world problems. Students from Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland and Greece worked together and through theater they promoted the 17 global goals of the United Nations.
This project integrated art, especially drama, into STEM. Students and teachers were exposed to 5 drama training sessions to train their “soft” skills – communication, collaboration, creativity – needed for their future successful adaptation and realization.
Workshops for teaching and learning creatively through drama were held during the partners meeting in every participating school. All forms of drama, including pantomime, role plays and improvisation were used. An e-book "Using Drama in STEM teaching and learning" with teacher resources of creative drama approaches and techniques in STEM school subjects was created and published at the project website end the eTwinning platform. An e-book with chosen national comedies was published in national and English languages at the project web site and at the eTwinning project space, along with another e-book with created original plays dedicated on the UN Global Goals.
Students participated in theatrical performances, concerts, competitions for the creation of a project logo and an original song-anthem of friendship between young people in the EU, video clips, team building and drama games, in creation of trailers and explored language variety and partner culture. We wanted to establish with students the concept of social responsibility. Students from all partner schools created 6 plays related to the UN Global Goals and perform them on stage in international teams. Students practiced active citizenship in action through six flash mobs which spread the word about the UN Global Goals in all partner towns- Kazanlak, Seville, Bari, Krakow, Rethymno.
Five Learning /Teaching/Training Activities for students and teachers will be held in Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Poland, Greece.
We believe that Drama can be the shortest way to shape young Europeans' future.