6th kindergarden of Egaleo




    Kinetic game with clowns

    Materials: wreaths and clowns made by paper.

    We put as many wreaths on the floor as the children. The children take their clowns and enter in the wreaths.

    As soon as the music starts, they come out of the wreaths and dance.

    Just as the music stops they enter in the wreaths and stand still. The kid who moves, loses and exits from the game, which continues until a child only wins. The winner puts in the wreaths the rest kids and the game goes on and on again.

    Dramatic play with clowns

    The kids paint pictures with clown figures, we laminate them and the kids play with them the game: “Where is my twin clown󠆾?"The kids have different clown figures.​​​​​​​ Only two of these figures ar​​​​​​​e the same. The kids give descrip​​​​​​​tion  and make questions in order ​​​​​​​to find​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ the twins and when the find them, they dance all together!


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