

    A collaborative tour in our Parliaments or City Halls

  • Partners productions

    Democracy Day by 8-Petroupoli GRC

    A tribute to this day presenting our Parliament at Syntagma Square in Athens with a 360 panoramic and interactive photo
    URL to the interactive photo in thinglink:
    or click on the image and
    scan the QR code

    7 Saturn - 7th Junior High School of Ioannina, GREECE.

    Nowadays, Friday, 15/11/2019.

    "17 November 1973: Athens Polytechnic Uprising".

    We organized a simple and meaningful celebration in honor of the heroes, who fought for Democracy and Human Rights.

    7 Saturn - 7th Junior High School of Ioannina, GREECE.

    Nowadays, Friday, 13/12/2019.

    Our City Hall with a Christmas Dimension.

    We photographed the area where the City Hall is located.

    6-Khust, Ukraine

    A 360 photo to show the Ukrainian paliament situateed in the centre of Kyiv, at 6, Hrushevskyy Street. Here is the link:

    6-Khust, Ukraine

    A presentation about Verkhovna rada, prepared by the boys of the 8-B.

    khust parliament thinglink
    7 - Dorohoi, National College "Grigore Ghica" - The Parliament of Romania

    A 360 photo with the Parliament of Romania located in Bucuresti, street Izvor, 2-4.

    7 - Dorohoi, National College "Grigore Ghica" - Thinglink link

    The Parliament of Romania

    5-St.-Irmengard-Gymnasium, DEU

    Nos élèves ont fait une excursion dans le camp de concentration de Dachau pour connaître l'histoire et pour mesurer l'importance de combattre toute tyrannie. Voici leur texte et leurs impressions et reflexions.

    0- Sun, Frankfurt, DEU

    At the end of our project about democracy we visited a few institutions, we also went to the synagogue and to the district of Nordend, where we visited the stumbling blocks commemorating the young Karolina Cohn and her family. Karolina was murdered by the nazis when she was 12. There's an expression that says: "Man dies twice. Once when he dies physically and a second time when he is forgotten." This won't happen because we won't forget.

    7-Saturne, Collège Modèle Zosimaias Scholis Ioannina, GRECE, Le parlement grec

    Les élèves Vaguelis et Geores P. ont créé une présentation sur le Drive pour présenter le parlement hellénique à Athènes, en Grèce.

    2-Hildburghausen DEU

    Democracy also means gender equality. Happy Women's Day to all BEST teams!

    6-Lafrançaise FRA

    Le 15 mars avait lieu le 1° tour des élections municipales

    Assia Majdoub 7-Sfax ep TUN


    mohamed bouchekoua 7-Sfax ep TUN

    The Parliament of Tunisia