7-Mérida ESP



    0.- Teachers introduce ourselves through Padlet. We begin the project.

     1.-Our school is in Mérida (Spain).We are 1.728,06 km from the center of Europe, we are in Saturn team.


    2.-Showing the project to kids at the classroom, getting ready to entry (users and passwords for all)


    3.-Fabio and Daniela are trying to complete  introduction game for students.

    4.-Creating profiles and leaving messages.

    5.-Our class


    Included in the group of 360 classrooms team.

    All the teams classrooms.



    This is made by class.

    Also some of our pupils vote the favourite.

    7.-Let's play 'Hack the hate speech". Bravo!

    8.-The winner poster is in our classroom.

    9.-Receiving cards from France. Thank you, Eric and his pupils from La France.

    10.-Preparing Christmas event.

    11.-Making Xmas cards and recipes in slides.

    12.-We sent 26 xmas cards to Tunisie, Lithuania, Romanie, Greece and France.

    13.-Eva, Violeta y Sergio C. made presentation about our Christmas in Christmas live event.

    We had delighted to our partners!!!!! And we played menti game!!

    14.- Thank you for nice xmas cards, from France, Greece and Lithuania (Eric, Danguole and Athanasia) The biscuits are delicious.

    15.- Our e Christmas card.

    And these ones by Jimena and Fabio.

    16.- Our school in Thinglink (in 360 º)

    Eva is making the photo.


    17.- Receiving Xmas cards from Sfax. Thank you Fatma and her pupils.

    18.- Alfredo got a lovely photo.

    19.- Eulari took a 360 º photo: Pizarro square.

    20.- Daniela and María took a panoramic photo from The Miracles Acueduct.

    21.- Preparing questions about Pucheri Mari class in Romania and making the quiz about Saturn classrooms.

    22.- Sergio G. is writing the answer about Salcuta school in Moldavia for the quiz (gamification)

    23.- Working on tour by Mérida.

    24.- Thinglink about our town, Mérida. Jorge, Consuelo, Sergio C., Hugo, Sergio M., Eulari, Daniela, María, Jimena, Luis, Alfredo, Julio, Álvaro collaborated on it.

    25.- In February we visited a display about paintings from Museo del Prado at Temple of Diane. We collaborated in axis Myth and about Saturn on Padlet writing about "Saturn devouring one of his sons" by the painter Goya.


    26.- Good and bad actions around us in our town.

    27.- Notwithstanding the difficulties of Covid-19 from home we collaborated on school quiz and comments on 360BEST@home. 

    28.-From home we worked on links of Europe Day 2020, also played Solar System objects game and the amazing cities quiz. Some of usare still evaluating the Project. 

    29.- We had evaluated on Google form from our houses. High participation by our students!!! Excellent!

    30.-Dissemination of our project on different ways: blogs, web of our school, digital newspaper of the school (Noticiario) and of the region (La Gaceta).

    Digital newspaper on school web: https://cpssomontemer.educarex.es/

    Digital newspaper of Junta de Extremadura: http://lagaceta.educarex.es/leer/suarez-somonte-celebra-amistad-pulseras-creacion-banco-amistad.html

    Blog: http://cpssomontetemplodediana.blogspot.com/2020/04/colaborando-en-el-tour-por-merida.html

    English blog: http://pilarisabel-englishxomonte.blogspot.com/2020/03/a-long-tour-by-merida.html


    National blog: https://acercandoaulas.blogspot.com/2020/07/360-big-european-solar-tour.html

    We had fun and learned a lot!!