Basque Mascots

  • These are the Basque mascots that will travel to partner schools.They are taking a diary with them. They will collect news from the different countries and bring them to us so we can get to know each other better.

    -PIRRITX is a famous clown very popular among young children in our country. It is part  of our culture.He is very funny and he likes to sing and dance

    -TXUBEL is the local basque word for frog. The people from our village are called " Txubilaxu" ( frogs ) because of an old legend.


    You can follow their track in these pages:


    Hi from Pirritx!


    Greetings from Latvia, Saldus elementary school!

    This has been such an amazing time! My time I spent with grade 6th A. They are the best!

    Together we did a lot of amazing things. We all together learned everything that was in they day order

    Now I know everything in math, latvian language, about the history of Latvia and so much more.

    Of course we celebrated Christmas. I participated in all of 6th grades Christmas events - class partie, concert for parents and schools Christmas concert.

    I have had such an amazing time!



    Txubel in Czechia in Česká Lípa

    November 2019 - January 2020

    Žabáček TXUBEL s námi slavil  Vánoce po česku :o)
    Zpíval s námi na vánoční besídce a poslouchal pohádky, které nám chodili předčítat rodiče. Také s námi přivítal nový rok 2020 a prohlédl si večerní rozsvícené a nazdobené město Česká Lípa. 
    Zahájil s námi dobrodružné putování po zeměkouli, tento měsíc jsme "přibrzdili" na Arktidě, kde společně objevujeme polární svět. Stal se kamarádem tučňáků, ochráncem velryb a na chvilku se zabydlel v iglú u Eskymáků. 

    Pomáhal dětem sčítat makrely, které  Eskymáci nalovili.  Také s námi sdílel radost z naší písanky, do které jsme začali psát první psací písmenka. 
    S žabáčkem TXUBELEM se rozloučíme veselou písničkou "Měsíce", kterou si společně zazpíváme. 


    TXUBEL the frog celebrated Christmas in Czechia with us: o)
    He sang with us at the Christmas party and listened to the fairy tales our parents read for us.
    He also welcomed the New Year 2020 with us and saw the evening lit and decorated town of Česká Lípa.
    He began an adventurous journey around the globe with us, this month we "stopped"  in the Arctic, where we discover the polar world.
    He became a friend of penguins, a whale protector, and for a while settled in an igloo with the Eskimos.

    He helped children count mackerels that the Eskimos caught. He also shared with us the joy of our writing book, in which we began to write the first letters.
    We will say goodbye to the frog TXUBEL with cheerful song "Moon", which we sing together.


    CYPRUS- February 2020

    Txubel is in Cyprus, studing in the hall of the school