
  • Germany

    Routing and Switching



    Interfaces of a router platform

    Youtube-Video: Interfaces of a router platform



    Building and comparison of collaboration suites.pdf

    SaaS Building up owncloud with Raspberry Pi.pdf



    PaaS (Platform as a Service) study.

    Thingspeak Study. Thingspeak offers an API platform solution with MATLAB analytics.

    The "Thingspeak" platform collects, process and controls data from smart devices "IOTs - Internet of Things".

    The developer as user doesn' t care about resourses (server, microprossesor, ram, hard disk, data base). He only uses matlab api to for data prossesing. 

    Students and teachers of the C class on IT and Electronic Engineering departments created and programmed a Temperature and Humidity logger that presents real-time data from both sizes on the internet by storing the values ​​in the cloud.

    The system has been installed at School's Laboratory Center and values are presented at

    1st Chio's EPAL Temperature Humidity logger

    As a result of our work, we appreciate the specific application public for someone who wants to see temperature and humidity in real time, as well as their change charts in the last 24 hours.

    Students Presentation:




    1epa-ITA-PAAS activityTutorial_gr.pdf





    Stephanie Hu, a student in the last year of MIT in Boston, at our school for a month of internship, did lessons on cloud computing and on the PaaS solution to our students
    Step 1:
    Frontal lesson  on cloud computing and PaaS,  
    Final objective to acquire knowledge on the general concept of PaaS
    Step 2:
    Create a presentation which  contains all the topics covered in the lessons of Stephanie Hu:
    AWS: Amazon Web Services
    AWS Services
    presentation in pdf:





    Creating a video in which Sthephanie Hu describes the content of the slides. The goal is not just to create this video, but to put ourselves in a difficult situation with inadequate material. We have on purpose used a flickering camera and a bad microphone, with audio recorded separately, The scope was to make students learn how a video editing program can correct many errors made while recording the material.

    This video tutorial was made with Wondershare Filmora.

    Many other software have been involved in the production of this video (Audacity, DaVinci Resolve, etc ...).

      Working with difficulty and adopting appropriate solutions is a goal that can not be ignored.

    All the skills acquired in  school curriculum must be used  by using non-professional programs such as for example. Adobe Premiere. It is a great skill is to improvise with the available material and get an acceptable result.

     Publication on youtube of the video in mp4 format

    Final objective to acquire knowledge on the general concept of PaaS and digital competence







    1. Use GIT to work collaboratively on the Cloud: Develop PaaS activities.  Explore the tool GIT and the remote repository GITHUB for developing programmes and integrate an IDE such as Eclipse with GIT. 
    2.  PaaS activiy: Introduction to PaaS: develop, deploy, run and manage apps on the Cloud:   study of Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift in order to develop, deploy, run and manage microservices based applications.