Students selection

  • Germany

    Because of the dual training system in Germany, it is necessary to obtain the commitment of the trainee and his company. This required a great deal of communication, since neither the companies nor the students had appropriate experience.

    The simultaneous approval of the training company and the apprentice was the essential criterion for participation in the project. The apprentice's approval depended essentially on his interest in entering a foreign world. It is not legally possible and does not make sense to force a trainee to participate.

    Due to the level of education of the apprentices, it was assumed that all students had both linguistic and social skills. A pupil from all three classes only has some command of the English language, but this pupil also shows no interest in participating. For this reason, placement tests on linguistic or social skills were superfluous. They were nevertheless carried out because the project plan so provided.

    Nevertheless we carried out a students selection procedure, but it turned out, that this procedure is useless:

    Student Selection protocol 1.pdf

    Student Selection protocol 2 - binding announcement.pdf


    • Academic level
    • Language level in English.
    • Interest for the project.
    • Social criteria





    The process to select students for mobilities have been developed according to a protocol with these criteria:

    1. Academic record
    2. Level linguistic in English
    3. Interest for the project by participating in the activities proposed.

    The protocol allowed students from the 4 groups in our schools to participate, and the other hand,  it was given priority to students who had not travelled in previous mobilities.

    For more details about the protocol to select students click here
