The project

  • The project  “Cloud Computing in European schools” with  project number 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038471 was approved by the Spanish National Agency, SEPIE

    The next documents explains the details about the project:

    1. Synopsis: a short document with an overview of the project.   Synosis.pdf
    2. Description:      Description.pdf
      1.  competence to work
      2. Meetings’ mobilities
      3. Work's dynamic for the meetings
      4. Expected results. Project impact
      5. Professional competence
      6. Key Competences
      7. Activities assessment. Questionnaires
      8. Project phases
      9. Dissemination
      10. Documental repository
      11. Reports
      12. Timeline
      13. Budget. Contract. Payment agreements
      14. Supporting documentation
      15. Project control. Coordination.
      16. How to communicate us each others
      17. Date for next meetings

    It is attached the project timeline.   Timeline.pdf
