3D Art

  • 3D mathematical exhibition (CRO)

    ...and education


    In the book, see all our works.


    3D origami - Pyramids 9B Grade (RO)



  • Comments, ...

    plan for next school year

    PGU Unna likes to work in an afternoon club on 3d objects. we will use first a 3d pen, the work with 3d software e.g. Sketchup and model useful things or buildings, …
    We plan to do an eTwinning project with 3d modelling and printing. I am going to develop some ideas in summer until the start of the next school year.(Monika, GER)


    A cool exhibition
    Florian T. Grade 5 PGU Unna Germany

    Verry nice project!

    I like 3D art. Perhaps next schoolyear we do sth. similiar.
    Mathis, Student from Pestalozzi-Gymnasium Unna (GER)

    We wanted to do this Pythagoras tree in 2d , but did not have enough time.

    Emma from germany

    I like your work very much! It is magic to bild something like that! :)

    Sascha from Germany