• These regulations define the rules, scope and conditions of the participation in the project logo competition Erasmus plus „A Nod to Our Heritage”

    §1 Subject of the competition

    1. The subject of the competition is the creation of a logo Erasmus + project „A Nod to Our Heritage”.
    2. Competition works should take into account of the theme of the project:

    traditions, history, heritage, respect, memory about the past.

    1. The logo will be used for promotional purposes of the Erasmus + project „A Nod to Our Heritage” and will be placed on promotional and informational materials of the project.

    §2 Competition's rules

    1. All students from schools participating in the project can take part in the competition
    2. The condition for taking part in the competition is to create the logo of the project in     available IT methods ( graphic computer program ) or any art  technics

    Shape: round or rectangular

    Letters: NOH (short for the title of the project „A Nod to Our Heritage”)

    Size: A4 paper size

    Colours: unrestricted

    Countries : Spain ( Basque Country), Portugal, Greece, Poland

    Key issues related to the project that should be included in the logo and presented

    visually - no excess words ( inspiration with the ideas of the project ):







    Memory of the past


    1. One participant can present only one project in electronic or paper form.
    2. Each of the contestants undertakes to do the work themselves, without copying existing works from the Internet and confirming originality by hand his idea.
    3. All participants are asked to submit their work to the school coordinator of Erasmus project until 31/12/2018.
    4. The logo selected through the competition becomes the property of the Organizer, who may use it in any way for the promotional purposes of the project.
    5. The criteria taken into consideration during the evaluation of the works are:
    • fulfillment requirements set out in the regulations
    • logo topic related to the project
    • creativity, originality
    • aesthetics
    • functional values of the project
    1. Works presented in the competition will be evaluated by the Competition Commission at every partner school consisting of a project coordinator and teachers who are take part in the project group.
    2. The commission will award three papers that will be sent to the main project coordinator in Spain. They will take part in the vote, during which the winning logo will be selected and used by all partner countries during the implementation of the project.
    3. Works that do not meet the requirements referred to  these regulations or delivered after the set date, they will not be evaluated by the Competition Commission.
    4. The competition provides a prize for the winners.
    5. The results will be announced during the meeting of the project group in Greece in February 2019.
    6. Participation in the competition is tantamount to acceptance of these regulations.