The title of the meeting: TRAINING AND ARRANGEMENTS

    The aim of the meeting was to train headmasters, coordinators and teachers taking part of five partner schools from Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. The trainings concerned the use of the eTwinning platform; implementation, dissemination and evaluation of activities on the examples of previous projects implemented by partner schools; innovative methods in teaching and integration of curricula with the objectives and tasks of the project.

    Training session 1 was at University of Portici - Agriculture Departmnent by Professor  Mr Guido D’Urso who made a presentation on “Water footprint of Food for a Sustainable Agriculture, Concept and Technologies” to train our team on basic enviromental concepts. On the second day we had an official welcome at the Italian school by School Authorities, School headmistress – Franca Masi and Regional Head of Ministry Education. The session continued with the presentation of the project by Ewa Marchinkowska, the Project Coordinator. Each school presented videos and multimedia diverse materials about their towns and schools. The Italian coordinator, Gianna Barrella, presented dissemination of previous Erasmus+  projects KA1 “Smart European Pass and KA2 “Entrepreneurial mindset for Successful life”.

    Training session 2 was held in the Graphic Lab by Vincenzo Lauria - Graphic Art and Communication teacher about “The Right Ingredients and Strategies for a high quality Graphic Design”. Ciro Sorrentino, the Construction and Technical Design expert gave a speech on Instruments used in Environment Construction and Territory. Gabriella Rotondo, Science-teacher and the students attending the second-class BG had a CLIL lesson where the demostration of DNA -Extraction was shown.

    Training session 3 concerned Etwinning portal, its sections, the twinspace, the collaborative spaces and Digital Tools to embed in the portal. This talk was given by Gianna Barrella – the Italian Erasmus+ Coordinator and Etwinning Ambassador.

    During Training session 4 Spanish Coordinator – Karen  Quill gave a lecture on “Integrated Curriculum and innovative pedagogy for K229 Erasmus+ and Etwinning”.

    Training Session 5 was held in San Pietro – Cava. We visited ”GREEN HUB” where we had some training on “Climate Changes”, new examples of Italian good practices . This session was given  by the President of the association Legambiente Mr. On 23rd November, the team held a meeting to agree on the implementation, organization and divisions of the tasks of each school.

    On the last day of the SHORT TERM JOINT STAFF TRAINING EVENT, 24th November, the team participated in Training Session 6 during in which we had a guided visit to “Il Giardino della Minerva” - the Scuola Medica Salernitana history and learnt  about officinalis herb. In the training sessions were mainly held at school during the normal activity  with and attedance of Italian school teachers who are not involved in the project as well as headmasters and teachers from local schools.

    The meeting in Italy was very useful for all people involved because the training sessions helped all participants in the communication, in learning how to use the same tools and applications , how to share information , how to organize the work in common cloud spaces, how to organizeactivities. For the project the meeting act as a springboard for its success.