The experiment 11th and 12th March, 2019
. in Primary School No. 34 an experiment on social solidarity was conducted. The parents and school management were informed in advance about the experiment. All interested parties agreed. On 11th March 2019, students (10) of class 4c were informed about the "Rak and roll" and "Daj włos" foundation, which consists in giving hair to people with cancer. And also, that at the school there will be a hairdresser, who will talk about the whole action and cut hair to willing people. The girls were to think whether they wanted to meet the hairdresser and cut the hair. The next day 5 out of 10 (50%) girls volunteered to meet, one of them (10%) was determined to give her hair back. The students were informed that there was an experiment. They also received leaflets with addresses of hairdressing salons, where they can donate hair for wigs for sick people.