Our European elections

  • Publish your plan about the elections here.

    International group work

    In teams you will do research on the political parties for the European elections. Form international teams which has members of each country. 

    Party Team members Forum


    (Germany: CDU/CSU)

    Alina, Larissa (D)  click here

    Social Democrats

    (Germany: SPD)

    Adelina, Fahrie (D)  click here

    Green Party

    (Germany: Bündnis90/Die Grünen)

    Lena, Linh (D)  click here

    Liberal Party

    (Germany: FDP)

    Alina  click here

    Left-wing parties

    (Germany: Die Linke)

    Alina  click here

    Right-wing parties

    (Germany: AfD)

    Ali, Nils (D)  click here