Political Issues - Facts&Opinions

  • 19.09.2018

    Polish students were discussing this issue:

    We were talking about last visit of Polish President, Andrzej Duda, together with his wife and few ministers, in the United States of America. They were discussing about the centennial of Poland’s recovery of its independence and also about our common trade, research and energy. We came to a conclusion that it is a good thing to have different trade partners. Presidents also mentioned about security and defense cooperation and that there will be more of NATO soldiers in Poland. We figured that it is not a benefit at all.


    Polish students were discussing the issue:

    We were discussing the article about famous French politician, Marine Le Pen, and the fact that she was ordered by a court to undergo psychiatric tests due to controversial images that she posted in 2015, including one showing the decapitated body of IS victim and even more. Everyone came to a conclusion that Ms Le Pen shouldn't have posted such drastic photos. Being a politician combines with responsibility and if Ms Le Pen doesn't understand her mistake and calls a court "crazy", then maybe it will be a good thing for her to go through health research. 



    Today Polish students were talking about Manuel Valls who is a politician. He was prime minister in France between 2014 and 2016. Recently he has announced his candidacy to be the mayor of Barcelona.

    After discussion, we came to a conclusion that it isn’t a bad thing, but we believe it will be hard for him to win, cause he doesn’t support Catalony’s independence.



    Today the Greek school discussed the death of a migrant in a refugee camp near Athens. Lots of different opinions were heard. Some felt that our country, which is still facing a severe economic crisis, should not be overburdeded with the task of hosting so many refugees and migrants. Others argued that we have to respect human lives and do everything we can, as individuals and as a state, to assist.

    We all agreed, though, that this event makes us all feel terribly upset and that refugee camps aren't a solution to the migrant crisis issue.



    On this day, in Poland, we were talkinkg about the Catalan Independence too. Especially about Donald Tusk, who is a politician from Poland and now he is a President of European Council. He told that he isn't going to be a mediator in a discussion between Catalonia and Spain and the problem should be soluted within Spain in respect of Spain's constitution. 

    After discussion we agreed that he should appoint some kind of council, which would be able to find a solution for this very serious problem. 









    Polish students were discussing the issue:


    We were talking about the referendum in Macedonia which took place in the end of September. Macedonians have to change the name of their country if they want to join to EU and NATO. Greeks will accept the belonging only if Macedonia changes the name to Republic of North Macedonia due to the history when it was the land of ancient Greece. We came to a conclusion that Macedonia should accept the proposition of Greece. The membership in these organizations will give them lots of advantages and their life won't be as harsh as it is nowadays.


    We discussed the sexual assult alegations against Brett Kavanaugh, US supreme court candidate. Another democrat, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, decided to vote against Kavanaugh.  Becouse of those alegations, people are prostesting his candidacy. We talked about the problem of sexual assult in politics and around the world. We came to the conclusion, that we shouldnt put people with such past to the positions of power. Sexual assult is a serious problem that comcernes both men and women and we should do everything in our power to fight it.