
  • We will talk about the chance or danger on Facebook!

    Let’s talk about Facebook, Facebook is a social media network for teenager or adults. The whole world knows what Facebook is. Anyone can create for free a Facebook Account. You can public your pictures, you can also see what your friends or random people posts, but a lot of people, don’t use Facebook anymore because anybody can search you to find some information about you. For example, you can find fake Profiles on Facebook, they exploit you or gone deceive you. People can copy the pictures on your Profile to use these for fake accounts or something else. Your Kids can see pornographic content like videos or pictures on her start page.

    Your Profile can get hacked, after you got hacked, the hacker can post on your homepage what he wants. This can lead to mobbing or character assassination on internet. As you can see there are infinitely negative things about Facebook. 

    But Facebook also has positive aspects, how to find new friends and establish contact with people from around the world. Celebrity have direct contact to her fans. Also you can post 24 hours about your life in your story on Facebook. That’s a nice option to post your new car or a story with your friends at the meal in Burger King.

    All in all, Facebook is a negative social media for me even it has many positive aspects, it is still a dangerous Page for Kids or adults. I don’t use Facebook anymore and a lot of friends to. You can get tricked and exploited on Facebook. Its your decision to create a Facebook account but read the negative aspects on my blog or search Facebook on google and find information about the negative things that Facebook bring with.

    By Ali, Linh and Nils