Elections in Poland (21st October 2018)

  • Go to the forum for discussing the elections: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/70799/forums/forum/67948/topic/720280


    Recently Polish students have had an opportunity to participate in a meeting with a lawyer – Mr Michał Prusek, who works as a lecturer at the Silesian University in Katowice. The subjects were presidential elections and upcoming municipal governments elections, which are currently the main topic in our country.

    The rules of the elections were explained in detail to the students, including „D'Hondt method” – a method used in order to distribute election mandates in various electoral systems based on proportional representation in municipal governments from particular political parties lists.

    Students learnt who and under what conditions has right to vote and become a candidate. The lecturer also told them about a new rule concerning the amount of terms of the office for presidents, village heads and mayors. He also told them about its length (maximum amount is two terms lasting five years starting from this year on).

    During the lecture, there was a question relating to the subject of our project: how do social media put an impact on democracy and the election procedures? Mr. Prusek explained how election polls shared in the social media influence the electorate, also the definition of “pre-election silence” was explained to the students.

    A fervent discussion led to a conclusion that the internet users are often disrupting the pre-election silence. Surely the meeting encouraged many people to participate in the elections in the future, as they realised that they can influence the life in their city, its citizens and all the changes.

    Anna Guzik, Sebastian Smoleń (POLAND)

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    eTwinning project members form II LO in Jaworzno recorded their reflections on regional government elections in Poland. They did it in the building of the regional parliament in Katowice: