Environmental team and how it works in the school

  • Enviromental Team in Puolimatka school in Finland

    This team meets every two weeks during the breaks or after the normal classess.

    In the team there are 1-2 members (students) from every class. So the kids involved are between 7 and 16 years. Despite the age difference they work together. The team is lead by students but two teachers are active as well. 

    They organizise recycling events in the school, take care of the school plants and for example they organize the earth hour in our school. They also do campaigns and promote current environmental issues by posters or informative announcements in the school radio. They meet usually twice a month and plan what they are going to do. Normally the students can decide what they will do and how to raise the awareness of the ecological thinking in the school. The team meets during the normal school hours and has two teachers who lead the group in the activities planned and executed by students themselves. 

    The team has received three eco-labels (prizes) from the city, and is constantly improving the recycling methods and equipment in the school. 

    The work is based on the HYVIS-label established in the city. Our school accomplished all the levels in 2018 and now we are aiming to be an "eco-school" and we are following the Vihreä lippu - organization's steps into even more green school.

     HYVIS - Hyvinkää - label (in Finnish):  https://www.hyvinkaa.fi/globalassets/puolimatkan-kuvat-videot-ja-tallenteet/hyvis-2017--2018-esittely--v-pdf.pdf


    Eco School - programme that we are attending currently in 2019-2020:

    Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.

    The programme’s greatest achievement is arguably the fact that it produces generation after generation of sustainably minded, environmentally conscious people. These individuals will carry the behavioural patterns they uptake under the auspices of Eco-Schools with them through life, in turn teaching the next generation the habits to make a difference.