ITALY local page... Please Follow Us in Our Local Erasmus Journey

  • 9th November 2018 

    Kick Off Event / Dissemination. Here we are ... all together students, parents, teachers... we are officially opening  our Erasmus+ project "A Bridging Calendar for the Future... ABC for the Future".

    This is our "Circolare", a documents that communicate to everyone at school we are officially starting our project

    Teachers introduce the different steps in the project, the objectives, the procedure and the activities. The first mobility is very close and the students are looking forward to meeting our new friends ... They  have already exchanged posts, mails and video conferences... Parents are happy and really involved. They are supporting students and teachers in this wonderful experience.

    Here,  you can see a moment of the meeting

    15th November 2018

    1st Mobility Preparation Activities. Now, we are preparing for the 1st Mobility Meeting in the Czech Republic. the topic of this Mobility is "Fight for Freedom" and with teacher Zitoli we watch the movie "Jan Palach" (fim director   Robert Sedláček) and work on the activities provided by our Czech friends. The film is really moving and it deals with recent history, in spite of this, it is something we have never heard before.

    Here, we are watching the film

    Here, you can see our Class Register page of the day 


    19th - 23rd November 2018 1st Mobility The Czech Republic

    For  details please follow the dedicated pages in this same website ...


    26th November 2018

    Dissemination: 1st Mobility. Today is Dissemination Day, our classmates who were involved in the first Mobility meeting tell us what was done in the several workshops, activities and excursions. They tell us about different habits they met and how they interacted with our friends from different countries and teachers.

    Here, you can see our Class Register page of the day 

    28th November 2018

    Dissemination: 1st Mobility. Today is another dissemination day and our classmates go on with their explanations;  we are very curious and ask a lot of questions.

    Here, you can see our Class Register page of the day 

    29th November 2018

    2nd Mobility Preparation Activity.  This afternoon  we are meeting Mr. Luciano Bissoli, art  expert,  founder and chairman of "Associazione Compagnia del Pilastrello". This meeting is our next step in the project "A.B.C. Calender. We are preparing for the 2nd Mobility here in Italy; among the other activities, we are supposed to adopt a monument in order to save it from destruction, therefore, here we are meeting someone who cares about a neglected, valuable, local  monument... that is here very close to our school. This is a key objective for the Italian Mobility:  to become aware of the art, culture  and history around us and to get involved in the preservation of all their aspects. This is the first of some meetings that have been planned for us to develop our awareness and sense of responsability. He was so inspiring... full of energy and determination... a real person who cares...

    Italian Mobility Circolare interventi preparatori.pdf

    For more information:

    Beata Vergine del Pilastrello

    Compagnia del Pilastrello


    10th December 2018

    Dissemination: 1st Mobility. Today is our last dissemination day and our classmates go on with their explanations.

    Here, you can see our Class Register page of the day 


    17th December 2018

    2nd Mobility Preparation Activity.  Today,  we are meeting Dott. M. Chisari Chairwoman of  Associazione “La Versiera 1718” -  “Villa di delizia” Bagatti Valsecchi di Varedo and art  expert. This meeting is another step in the project "A.B.C. Calender". We are preparing for the 2nd Mobility here in Italy and as we are supposed to become aware and start caring  about  neglected, valuable  monuments, here we are, meeting this art expert involved in the preservation of another neglected, valuable, local monument. She can definetely be our role model... a young, determined, involved   person who cares... 

    Here, we are meeting the expert.

    Here, we can see another moment of the meeting.

    Here, you can see our Class Register page of the day 

    For more information:

    Villa Bagatti Valsecchi Varedo


    7th January 2019

    2nd Mobility Preparation Activity.  Today, we are meeting Mrs. Bertolotti, she's an expert in Modern Art. We are talking about the Vertical Forest in Milan. Vertical Forest is a model for a sustainable residential building, a project for metropolitan reforestation contributing to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity. It was really interesting and we learned something about sustainability.

    Here, you can see Mrs. Bertolotti in action.

    This is the video that Mrs. Bertolotti showed us


    11th January 2019

    2nd Mobility Preparation Activity. Today, we are meeting Miss Chiara Anselmini. She studies restoration at Brera University. We are talking about "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci and its restoration.We learned about technical restoration tecniques. Our curiosity is now satisfied by this amazing lesson


    Here, you can see our lesson with Miss Chiara.


    7th February 2019

    2nd Mobility Preparation Activity. Today, we are meeting Mr. Luciano Bissoli. He's a member of the Pilastrello's Cultural Association. We are talking about the structure and the history of the building. We learned the story behind the painting and architecture restoration. It was really interesting and inspirational.


    Here, you can see Mr. Bissoli in action.


    28th February 2019

    2nd Mobility Preparation Activity. Today, we are meeting Mr. Luciano Bissoli again. We are talking about the Sant'Ambrogio's church structure, the artistic heritage and its history. We were mesmerized by his words.


    Here, you can see our lesson with Mr. Bissoli.


    5th April 2019

    Our school cooperation with Bicocca University on the preservation of “The Last Supper” is going beyond Italian borders. Our students are flying to Phoenix to show their researches and their commitments. ABC Calendar is meeting some of these students during the 2nd Italian mobility, next week


    8th - 12th April 2019 2nd Mobility Italy

    For  details please follow the dedicated pages in this same website ...


    Read what the media say about us ... articles from "IL GIORNO" and "IL NOTIZIARIO"



    11th - 13th September 2019 3rd Mobility

    3rd Mobility Preparation activity:. Today is Dissemination Day, our classmates who were involved in the first Mobility meeting tell us what was done in the several workshops, activities and excursions. They tell us about different habits they met and how they interacted with our friends from different countries and teachers.  In this two days we discussed together the advantages and drawbacks of technological development, and how it affects our communication. It was very interesting and we had the opportunity to share our point of view. We are preparing for the 3rd Mobility in Spain debating and stating our standpoint on electronic devices evolution and use.



    Here, we are making a list of pros and cons of online communication and services.  


    21st - 25th October 2019 3rd Mobility Spain

    For  details please follow the dedicated pages in this same website ...


    23rd October 2019 3rd Mobility

    Following the 3rd Mobility: Today we are following our project-mates' experience during their mobility to Spain! 
    We have been focusing on the pictures that you uploaded onto the homepage. Every picture tells a lot about our mates and the way they are living their experience!
    We also have talked about the topics that are being discussed in these days during the Spanish mobility and we all agree about the fact that they are really interesting!


    12th-15th November 2019 3rd Mobility

    Dissemination: 3rd Mobility:  These two Days are Dissemination Days! our classmates who were involved in the third Mobility meeting tell us what was done in the several interactive activities and workshops.They talk about the thinking based learning methods they learned and things about communication which they discussed.

    Here, students are showing  PowerPoint of the Mobility


    9th January 2020

    Here we are preparing the slides show for Sweden! We are meant to speak about the Italian Mobility, and to recap its main steps

    We are putting our ideas together in a map.

    4th Mobility Preparation Activity. We are preparing for the 4th Mobility Meeting in Sweden whose topic is "Sustainable habits and culture". With teacher Zitoli we have worked on the 1st activity and watched the movie "Sami Blood" and we have worked on the PreMobility activities replying  the questions we have been given by our Swedish friends. We have enjoyed it and it has made us think a lot.

    23rd January 2020

    4th Mobility Preparation Activity. Today we have continued working on the 2nd pre- mobility activity, analysing the provided graph and looking for further data concerning Italy and the following items in the graph:

    Overall Score, Food Loss and Waste, Sustainable Agriculture, Nutritional Challenges, Food Waste at End User Level, Animal Welfare Policies, Diet Composition, Number of People per Fast Food Restaurant.

    2nd February 2020

    4th Mobility Arrival in Sweden. We have just landed... here we are at Arlanda airport, Stockholm, with our Swedish friends, they are  there to say "welcome" to us.


    3rd - 7th February 2020 4th Mobility Sweden

    For  details please follow the dedicated pages in this same website ...


    10th February 2020

    Dissemination: 4th Mobility.  Today is Dissemination Day! Our classmates who were involved in the fourth Mobility meeting tell us what was done in the several activities and workshops. They talk about different habits they met and the objectives.


    13th February 2020 

    Dissemination: 4th Mobility.  Today we discussed and voted choosing our favorite photos for our calendar.


    17th September 2020







    Here details on the meeting:


    Due to covid-19 we did not have the opportunity to travel to Brussels in May in order to recap our second mobility in Italy. When our teachers told us there would have been an online meeting with all the nations involved and Michaela Šojdrová, the European MP, we started working on our presentation. Five of us divided the parts of the presentation among them and prepared it. At the beginning it was difficult, because we were not at school, we were working from home and we did not know how we would have been back. Anyway, during the worst pandemic’s moments in Italy, our school helped us to continue with the lessons from home, even though it was really hard, we were supported by our teachers and our school. It started “Didattica A Distanza” and the school created a GSuite account for every single student in order to work online all together.

    Hopefully, we managed to be ready on time and on 17th September we had the meeting. Our Headmaster  joined us at the presentation and congratulated us, our teachers and the other schools for the hard work during the entire project.                                                       We talked about the mobility in Italy, which was called “Art, Brain and Emotions”, we explained our aims and our commitments. We also shared our favourite and meaningful moments and what we have learned during these two years.                                                    At the end, the European MP Michaela Šojdrová, asked us some questions and we clarified her doubts about the “Pilastrello”, a small church in our city we had adopted previously and then she appreciated our work.

    Alessandro, Alessia B, Alessia F.


    TODAY’S PLAN... 

    Today, the day after we had had our international online conference - among our Erasmus friends and Michaela Šojdrová, a Member of the European Parliament who kindly had given us the opportunity to fit our meeting in her packed schedule - we are here to tell you what we namely did. 

    First and foremost, we have splitted up the work among the students who work in presence and the ones who work from home - due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The online students describe the mobilities in the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain and Sweden, with a general introduction. In other words, they have to explain what the main aims and objectives are: cultural heritage - more specifically to develop a European consciousness and a sense of belonging to a huge multicultural community, our new family - to preserve, to our fullest, our values and identity as European citizens and most importantly to make friends and to create unforgettable memories while filling up our baggage of knowledge and sharing our cultures and traditions. Moreover, the connected students have to illustrate all of the activities done throughout their stay in the partner countries. 

    Concurrently, even the students who attend class in presence are divided into groups of three - while respecting social distances and wearing masks. All the groups have been given various tasks to do; we, for instance, have been instructed to write this article. The others are creating padlets for Twinspace in which we will upload quotes and pictures at a later time. The remaining groups are writing about our international conference of yesterday, with some of them focusing on our own preparation and performance, expressing our gratitude, happiness and satisfaction about the whole path we have been walking together. 

    Arianna, Ilaria, Lucia



    On 17th September, a meeting-call took place between the four states participating in the Erasmus project and a member of the European parliament, Michaela Šojdrová, member of the Committee on Culture and Education of European Union.

    Every country had prepared a presentation about the activities done during the mobilities. The presentations followed the mobilities’ chronological order. In fact, the first country  to speak was the Czech Republic (November 2018), followed by Itay (April 2019), then Spain (October 2019) and Sweden (February 2020).

    The Czech Republic mobility’s name was “Fight for Freedom”. The main topics of their presentation were: Jan Palach’s story and the visit to the concentration camp of Auschwitz in Poland, both symbols of  the fight for freedom of people..

    The second mobility was the Italian one where “Art, Brain and Emotion” was the motto. Its aims were mostly about understanding of the cultural heritage and why we should preserve and protect it for future generations. During this mobility we adopted a spire of the Milan Cathedral and the Pilastrello church in Paderno Dugnano. We visited The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, the Vertical Forest in Milan and, finally, we went to Monza.

    In Spain, the third mobility took place. “Communithinking” was the motto, since the main theme was communication and how it has evolved in the years. In fact, during the presentation they spoke mostly about Robert Swartz, the founder of the  Thinking Based Learning methodology and the way to communicate correctly and efficiently.

    The last mobility was the Swedish one, where heritage and sustainable habits were the main topics.  Regarding the heritage, they talked about Sami people's background. Instead, regarding sustainable habits they presented some workshops done during the mobility.

    The meeting ended with a positive feedback from Michaela Šojdrová, who congratulated every country for the work done during these two years and for the goals achieved.

    Alice, Giulia, Martina


    8th October 2020

    Dissemination.  In the local newspaper "Il Cittadino di Paderno Dugnano", which was published on Saturday 3rd of October, there's an article about the Erasmus project and our online presentation to the Member of the European Parliament Michaela Šojdrová.


    23rd October 2020

    Dissemination. In the local newspaper "Il Notiziario", which was issued this morning, Friday 23rd of October, there's an article about the award Quality Label  from the eTwinning Commission for the European project "Erasmus + A Bridging Calendar for the Future" and the award  eTwinning School for our school


    16th November 2020

    Dissemination. The four states involved in the Erasmus+ project took part in the online meeting with the Swedish politician Arba Kokalari, Member of the European Parliament. Each country had prepared a brief presentation about the activities and the aims of our mobilities.

    At the end of our meeting we asked the MEP about her job and her role in the European Parliament.


    10th December 2020

    Dissemination.Today we met our local authorities and we shared our experience with them, explaining the Erasmus+ project.

    Today's meeting was described in a post on the official Facebook page of the municipality of Paderno Dugnano and in the news of our school's website.


    11th - 12th February 2021

    Dissemination. In the local newspapers "Il Cittadino" and "Il Notiziario" two articles have been dedicated to our Erasmus+ project "A Bridging Calendar for the Future". The articles describe how the closing ceremony took place, during which the objectives of the project were explained to the Councilor of the Lombardy Region Mr. Marco Alparone, Undersecretary in the Context of the "Brussels Delegation and Control System"


    25th February 2021

    Dissemination. On Thursday 25th February, two of our classmates went to "Palazzo delle Stelline" in Milan, headquartes of the European Commission, to give our calendar to Dr. Annalisa Affer, representing the European Commission in Milan.


    15th March 2021

    Dissemination. In the latest edition of the local newspaper "Il Notiziario" there is an article dedicated to the meeting of 25 February, the day in which two of our classmates went to the European Commission headquarters in Milan to deliver our calendar to Dr. Annalisa Affer.