Zlatar-Bistrica, Croatia

  • In Primary school Zlatar Bistrica we had a meeting with children's writer. She read stories to pupils and they had a chance to ask her questions and talk to her. 

    An exhibition ... "Some international Christmas cards came to my school and they are displayed in the school entrance hall so everyone can see them."

    Legends about Christ in Shadow Theater in Primary school Zlatar Bistrica

    In this school year, our school is also implementing creative reading project where students from the 5th to the 8th grade take part in a creative lecture. So, a teaching lesson from the Croatian language was devoted to the book of the Legends of Christ of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, which is on the list of obligatory lectures in the 5th grade. In this time of  advent, legendary figures have revived in the shadow theater depicting the scenes from the life of Christ. In order to prepare for creative writing, the students created paper dolls and scenographies after the reading of the aforementioned work, devised dialogs between characters and dramatization and with the help of a slightly forgotten graphic machine that served them as a source of light, played the scene from this lecture piece. The main characters were Jesus, Mary, Joseph, soldiers, but also animals like camels and donkeys, and scenes of caves, shrubs, palms, starry skies and more.

    You can see photos on this link  http://www.os-zlatar-bistrica.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=1089&mshow=878#mod_new

    eTwinning Day and Europe Day

    We had Media Literacy Week in our school. Very productive and useful happening and a lot of materials.

    International Book Day