Le zakaj se mavrica je čez svod razpela? Da oddahne mravljica se za hip od dela, da morda bi pesniki Goethe ali Kette, ustvarili s peresniki ode in sonete, da o njej bi pričali s pesmicami ptiči in po njej se dričali punčke in fantiči. Rožna luč je mavrica, čez nebo razpeta, kakor božja pravljica, v srcu ne izpeta. V srcu, če ta je pravo, je zmeraj prostora za mnogo (tisoč in več) lepih stvari, ki jih ljubiti mora vse, kar živi. Vanj pridejo čez dolgo ali pri priči kot sonce v sončnico, kot žarek v žarnico trate in trte, dreves s ptiči in kakšno samotno brez njih, in vetra dih, vanj se naseli že čisto zarana mama in oče tudi, če se ravno potrudi, potem pa pride nekega dne v to srce deklica,bog ve od kod in zakaj k tebi poslana. Z njo je prostor v srcu poln in čudno vznemirjen, kot da prišlo je z njo vate celo vsemirje. In potem krožiš, zvezda med zvezdami, nad hišami, polji, nad cestami, krožiš kakor brez težnosti, a poln nežnosti... | Why has the rainbow arched over the sky? So that the busy ant might have respite, so Goethe or Kette might this day compose one of their ink-written sonnets or odes, so that the birds might bear witness with songs, downward come sliding small girls and small boys. Rosy the rainbow glows, spanning the skies like God's own fairy-tale, pent up inside. In a heart, if it is true, there is always room for many, thousands and more, lovely things, which love must illume by all that lives. On the spot or at long last, fight themselves inside, like the sun in a sunflower, like, in a lamp, the light's power, meadows, vines, a tree where birds abide, and one solitary and bird-forsaken, and a breath of wind partaken of it's early settlers, another is Mother, and Father as well, if he makes an effort, but then one day there comes into this heart, oh crumbs, a girl-who knows where from sent and why, for you to have each other. The heart, stirred up, is replete with the presence of hers, as if she brought into it the entire universe. And then, like a star among the stars, you go round over the fields, towns, and roads on the ground, you circle as if without gravitation, but full of tender elation. |