8. SHARING POEMS (21 March)


    21 March: World Poetry Day

    Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

    *Partner, please add your poems in the MATERIALS/FILES as word doc and admins will arrange them in this page in tables format 



    We celebrate by sharing poems

    a) For poems: in this page we share poems in our Mother language about books/reading. These poems must be translated in English (optional translated in partners' mother languages and translations posted in Twinboard) and create an exposition at all classes/libraries

    b) Videos of students reading their poems in their mother languages so that partners know the pronunciation. All videos will be posted in the Twinboard in this page

    b) A LIVE EVENT among classes on Thursday 21 March at 11:30 CET. Students read a verse (some lines) from a poem  written in this page of a differenent partner using the original language (e.g. If Greek students read from the Slovenian poem "reading" the 4 lines in the beginning then this should be done in Slovenian language and after they will also read this in English, too.) This activity needs to have all the poems from partners till 15 March and till 17 March partners to comment in Table in the LIVE EVENTS/Poetry Day  which  one of their partners' poems they will read.

    For the live event partners will also create a presentation and must upload it in the Twinboard for the chosen poem of their partners )in the previous example, Greeks should make a presentation for the slovenian poem. These slides will be also uploaded in the live event's platform (in adobe connect) and will be presented while students are reading the poems


    IF PARTNERS CAN NOT FIND A POEM for books/reading on their mother language they can create their own poem.


    Create a salad poem 

    We mix the verses of the poems that have been posted by partners in a way to have a poem with rhyme (an example follows in this page)


    EXTRA/Optional activity:

    Partners can also create in their classes extra poems made by their students about book and the joy of reading



    Slovenian Songs (choice of Nena's students)

    Tone Pavček "Majhnice in majnice˝- Branje

    Tone Pavček "Budding songs, maying songs˝- Reading

    Brati pomeni početi podvige.

    Brati je možno marsi kaj.

    Recimo: grozdje in fige in knjige

    in med barti še kaj.

    Brati je na moč enostavno.

    Črke hrustaš kot zalogaj.

    Teže je, a tudi bolj slavno,

    brati pravilno in hitro nazaj.

    A nazaj se daleč ne pride.

    Pravo branje le dalje in dalje gre

    čez črke in pike, čez vrte in hribe 

    v Koromandijo ali še dlje. 

    Reading means performing feats.

    There is much that can be read,

    such as books or music sheets,

    or as lips both pale and read.

    Reading is a piece of cake.

    Letters can be crunched like crisps.

    But there are more glorious ways:

    reading backwards, true and quick.

    Backwards, thought, you won´t get on.

    Proper reading goes ahead

    over letters, overstops,

    hills and dales, to fairy realm



    Le zakaj se mavrica

    je čez svod razpela?

    Da oddahne mravljica

    se za hip od dela,

    da morda bi pesniki

    Goethe ali Kette,

    ustvarili s peresniki 

    ode in sonete,

    da o njej bi pričali

    s pesmicami ptiči

    in po njej se dričali

    punčke in fantiči.

    Rožna luč je mavrica,

    čez nebo razpeta,

    kakor božja pravljica,

    v srcu ne izpeta.

    V srcu, če ta je pravo, je zmeraj prostora

    za mnogo (tisoč in več) lepih stvari,

    ki jih ljubiti mora

    vse, kar živi.

    Vanj pridejo čez dolgo ali pri priči

    kot sonce v sončnico,

    kot žarek v žarnico

    trate in trte, dreves s ptiči

    in kakšno samotno brez njih,

    in vetra dih,

    vanj se naseli že čisto zarana


    in oče tudi, če se ravno potrudi,

    potem pa pride nekega dne

    v to srce

    deklica,bog ve od kod in zakaj

    k tebi poslana.

    Z njo je prostor v srcu poln

    in čudno vznemirjen,

    kot da prišlo je z njo

    vate celo vsemirje.

    In potem krožiš, zvezda med zvezdami,

    nad hišami, polji, nad cestami,

    krožiš kakor brez težnosti,

    a poln nežnosti...

    Why has the rainbow arched

    over the sky?

    So that the busy ant

    might have respite,

    so Goethe or Kette might

    this day compose

    one of their ink-written

    sonnets or odes,

    so that the birds might bear

    witness with songs,

    downward come sliding small

    girls and small boys.

    Rosy the rainbow glows,

    spanning the skies

    like God's own fairy-tale,

    pent up inside.

    In a heart, if it is true, there is always room

    for many, thousands and more, lovely things,

    which love must illume

    by all that lives.

    On the spot or at long last, fight themselves inside,

    like the sun in a sunflower,

    like, in a lamp, the light's power,

    meadows, vines, a tree where birds abide,

    and one solitary and bird-forsaken,

    and a breath of wind partaken

    of it's early settlers, another

    is Mother,

    and Father as well, if he makes an effort,

    but then one day there comes

    into this heart, oh crumbs,

    a girl-who knows where from sent and why,

    for you to have each other.

    The heart, stirred up, is replete

    with the presence of hers,

    as if she brought into it

    the entire universe.

    And then, like a star among the stars, you go round

    over the fields, towns, and roads on the ground,

    you circle as if without gravitation,

    but full of tender elation.


    Greek poems

    1. Choice of Athanasia's students (Petroupoli)

    2. Choice of Christos students (Andritsaina)


    Ευγένιος Τριβιζάς "O ύμνος του βιβλίου"


    Eugenios Trivizas "A hymn for the Book"

    «Πες μου κάτι, τι αξίζει πιο πολύ από φλουριά;

    Πες μου κάτι, τι χαρίζει γέλιο, κέφι και χαρά;


    Έλα, πες μου τι γεμίζει παρηγόρια την καρδιά;

    Έλα, πες μου, τι σκορπίζει την πιο μαύρη συννεφιά;


    Έλα, πες μου, τι ‘ναι εκείνο που με κάνει και δακρύζω,

    Που με κάνει να γελάω, που με κάνει να ελπίζω;


    Έλα, πες μου, τι ‘ναι εκείνο που με κάνει να γιορτάζω,

    Που με κάνει να πετάω, στα ουράνια να καλπάζω;


    Ένα βιβλίο! Ένα βιβλίο!

    Ένα βιβλίο που μαγεύει, όνειρα στο νου φυτεύει

    Και στο ταξίδι της ζωής, πιστά μας συντροφεύει!»


    Find me something, that worth more than treasures

    Find me something, that offers laughter, joy  and pleasures 


     Come on, tell me: “what can heal and comfort hearts?”

    Come on, tell me “what can burst the darkest blast?"


    Come on, tell me “ what brings me tears or makes me laugh, what raises hope?”


     Come on tell me, “what makes me celebrate

    and makes me fly, in celestial trot?”


     A book! A book!

    A book that charms,

     and dreams in the mind plants,

     And in our life’s journey

     is faithful company!”




    Κώστας Ουράνης, "Tα Βιβλία"

    Ποιήματα, σ. 209, Βιβλιοπωλείον της «Εστίας», 1953

    Kostas Ouranis "The Books"

    Free translation in English (collaborative work in Petroupoli)

    Με τους παλιούς και σκοτεινούς μάγους (όπου μπορούσαν,

    με φίλτρα, σολομωνικές και με την αλχημεία,

    να ξέρουνε το κάθε τί, να ‘ναι παντού οπού θέλουν,

    να κάνουνε τ’ αδύνατα) — μοιάζουνε τα Βιβλία.


    Κάθε που πιω απ’ τα φίλτρα τους και μπω στη συντροφιά τους,

    του Χρόνου και της Έκτασης οι νόμοι σταματάνε,

    υψώνουμαι έξω απ’ τη Ζωή για μπαίνω μέσα σ’ όλα

    κ’ οι Αιώνες απ’ τα μάτια μου τα εκστατικά περνάνε.


    Μπορώ να παίρνω την ψυχή ανθρώπων πεθαμένων

    και την πικρή τους ή λαμπρή να ξαναζώ ιστορία,

    κάνω δική μου των λαών την άπειρη σοφία

    κι όταν σαλεύει μέσα μου της αλλαγής ο πόθος,

    όπως του Γκαίτε οι μάγισσες κ’ εγώ, καβαλικεύω

    ένα Βιβλίο — και στον πλατύ τον κόσμο ταξιδεύω.


    With the old and dark magicians (that could
    with filters, tricks 
    and alchemy,
    know everything, be anywhere they want,
    make the impossible feasible) - the Books look like.


    Whenever I drink from their filters and go into their company,
    the Time and Space laws are abolished,
    I rise out of Life and being transferred to everything
    the Eternity reaches my ecstatic eyes.


    I can be in the soul of dead people
    and relive their bitter or brilliant history,
    I conquer people's infinite wisdom
    and when the desire for change sparkles into me,
    like Goethe's Witches me also, I can "ride"
    a Book - and to the infinite world, I travel.


    Ukrainian poem-(choice of Marina's students in Lozova)


    Надія Новицька


    by Nadia Novytska

    Її думки, її цілюща мова
    Знаходять місце в кожному із нас.
    Ніхто не зможе погубити слово:
    Не змиє дощ і не потопче час.

    Її рядки розтоплять в серці кригу;
    Лунає в них той солов’їний спів,
    Що нам дарує й відкриває книга
    У кожній літері її повчальних слів.

    В її устах шумить і гра діброва,
    Сміється небо і щебече птах.
    О, як рятує нас книжкова мова
    Своєю мудрістю на білих сторінках.

    Her thoughts, her healing language
    Find а place in each of us.

    No one can ruin words:
    The rain won’t wash away

    and time will not be tumbling them.

    Her lines will melt the ice of hearts;
    Birds’ singing
    are in them,
    That gives us gift and opens the book
    In letters 
    of  illuminative
    It’s also heard the noise of lips.

    The sky is laughing and the bird is chirping.
    Oh, how saving language can it be,
    With wisdom on the pages which are white.


    Ukrainian poem (Choice by Nataliia's studentsin Khust)

    "Про книгу"

    вірш Леоніда Глібова

    "About books"

    by Leonid Hlibov


    Бачить – не бачить,

    Чути – не чує.

    Мовчки говорить,

     Дуже мудрує.

    Часом захоче –

    Правди навчає,

    Іноді бреше,

    Всіх звеселяє.

    Люба розмова,

    Будемо, діти,

    З нею довіку


     Хто ж то такая

    В світі щаслива,

    Мудра, правдива І жартовлива?

    Як не вгадали,

    Стану в пригоді:

     Річ коротенька- Книжка, та й годі.

    It sees  and doesn’t see

    It hears and doesn’t hear

    It silently speaks,

    It thinkers with,

    If it wants

    It trains the mind,

    Sometimes it lies

    To cheer you up,

    It gently talks…

    Let’s, kids, be friends with it!

    What is this happiest thing?

    If didn’t you guess –

    I’ll help you and tell:

    That small thing is –

    A book in your hand!

    Romanian poem by Dorohoi (choice of Lidia's team)


    Ana Blandiana

    "The book"

    by Ana Blandiana


    Cartea nu e ce se vede:

    Un pachet de coli frumoase

    Între două scoarţe groase.


    Cartea este ce n-ai crede:

    Mii de gânduri îţi urzeşte,

    Cu idei te-mpodobeşte.


    Cartea e o viaţă nouă!

    Când citeşti,


    Aripi lungi de vis îţi cresc

    Şi-aşa mult te-îmbogăţesc

    Printre veşti,

    Printre poveşti,

    Sub a literelor rouă!


    Cartea nu e ce se vede.

    Până nu citeşti, n-ai crede:

    Cartea e ce nu se vede.

    The book is not what you can see:

    A pack of beautiful sheets

    Between two thick covers.



    The book is what you would not believe:

    Thousands of thoughts instill you,

    With ideas it imbues you.



    The book is a new life!

    When you read,


    Long dream wings grow


    And so much they enrich you

    Among the news,

    Among stories,

    Under the dew letters!



    The book is not everything you can see.

    Until you read, you would not believe:

    The book is not visible.



    Latvian poem by Daugavpils (choice of Tatjana's students)


    Grāmata (Rainis)

    The book


    Kas visu izteic bez mēles?
    Man saka: tā grāmata,
    Ar viņu labākās spēles
    Un mīļākā saruna.

    Nu te tā uz galda uzlikta,
    Bet nenieka tā nesaka.


    Varbūt tai kauns.
    Pie auss to pielikšu.
    Nu, grāmatiņ, stāsti, kas jauns!
    Nekā es nedzirdu.


    Ar mani gan tik mānījās.
    „Ne, grāmatā visudien' jāmācās!


    Tad varēsi pavadīt sarunās!”


    Nu nē, tad labāk ar sunīti skrienu,
    Nekā grāmatā skatos visu dienu.


    „Un muļķis kā sunītis paliksi,
    Tevi ari saukās par taksīti.”


    To nē!

    What does say everything not using the tongue?

    The answer: the book,

    the most joyful games and

    sincere dialogues are with it.

    Here it is lying on the table

    And says nothing.


    Maybe it's a shame

    I will put it to my ear.

    Go, little book, tell the news!

    I do hear nothing.


    You are cunning with me.

    -"No, you should study the book!


    And then you will be able to chat with it"



    -Oh, no, i will better run with my dog,

    instead of looking at the book all day.


    -"And so dump like a dog you will remain,

    and others will call you dachshund"


    -Oh, that's no!





    Polish poem (choice of Renata's students)




    by Maria Konopnicka


    by Maria Konopnicka


    No, już na dziś dość biegania! 

    Niech tu nisko siądzie Hania, 

    Julcia z lalką wyżej trochę, 

    Na kolana wezmę Zochę,

    Bo Zosieńka jeszcze mała… 

    No, i będę wam czytała. 

    O czem chcecie? — Ja chcę bajkę

    Jak to kotek palił fajkę! 

    — A ja chcę o szklanej górze, 

    Gdzie to rosną złote róże! 

    — A ja chcę o jędzy babie, 

    Co ma malowane grabie! 

    — A to ja chcę o tym smoku, 

    Co to pękł z jednego boku! — 

    — Ejże! Co wam przyjdzie z bajki? 

    Czy to koty palą fajki? 

    Na cóżby się zdały babie

    Jakieś malowane grabie? 

    Czy kto widział złote róże? 

    Czy kto był na szklanej górze? 

    Wszak wam wiedzieć będzie miło, 

    Co się u nas wydarzyło. 


    W bok Kruszwicy

    Żył Piast w cudnej okolicy… 

    Miał synaczka… 

    — Wiemy! Wiemy!

    — No i chcecie? 

    — Chcemy! chcemy!

    Well, enough running for today!

    Let Hania sit low here,

    Julcia with the doll a bit higher,

    I will take Zocha to my knees,
    Because Zosieńka is still small ..

    Well, and I will read to you.

    What do you want? - I want a fairy tale

    How did this kitty smoke his pipe?

    - And I want a glass top,

    Where are the golden roses growing!

    - And I want a bad babe,

    What has painted rakes!

    - And I want this dragon,

    What broke from one side! -

    - Hey! What will come from a fairy tale?

    Are cats smoking pipes?

    For what the ladies have done

    Any painted rakes?

    Has anyone seen the golden roses?

    Who was on the glass top?

    It will be nice to know you,

    What happened with us.

    Listen ...

    In the side of Kruszwica

    He lived Piast in a wonderful area ...

    He had a son ...

    - We know! We know!

    - Well, do you want to?

    - We want! we want






    Croatian poem (choice by Kata's students at Vinkovci)



    Ljerka Varga

    While reading

    Ljerka Varga


    Pa i kad se knjiga čita,                                                  

    o livadi kad se mašta,                                              

    oko srca, oko duše,                                                    

    u mislima raste svašta.                                             

    Zeleni se grmlje, trava,                                                

    tople zrake zemlju griju,                                              

    ptice zrakom ljubav nose,                                          

    radosno se lati smiju.                                                   

    Knjiga tad je ko ravnica,                                                 

    novi pogled, nova strana,                                                  

    kao šuma razlistana,                                                      

    ko rascvale voćke grana.                                                     

    Even while reading,

    thinking of  a meadow,

    around the heart, about the soul,

    the ideas are growing.

    bushes and grass are green,

    warm rays are hugging the Earth,

    birds are flying, spreading love ,

    petals are laughing so happily.

    Then the book looks like a plain,

    new sight, new side,

    as a forest in spring,

    as a fruit branch full of flowers.

    Alternative activities:    

    a) Collaborative Limerick in ICT class at Petroupoli

    for Christmas Fun


    There was an old man that we have skipped.

    He liked books but he had whipped...

    He was rather green,

    but not that mean,

    he couldn't just find the one page to need.


    b) Salad poem (mixing the poems already posted by partners)



    "...Rosy the rainbow glows, spanning the skies..."  (slovenian poem)

    "...and the Eternity reaches my ecstatic eyes." (greek poem)

    "Goethe or Kette might this day compose

    one of their ink-written sonnets or odes" (slovenian)

    "what brings me tears or makes me laugh, what raises hope? "(greek)

    (mixing by Athanasia)


  • Poems

    Lines from the 1st greek poem (Triviza's)

    Petroupoli reads lines from the 1st greek poem (Triviza's) to help partners that will choose this to read, with the pronunciation

    Link to very beautiful poems for the book (web search by Petroupoli)
    Lines from Ukrainian poem "Book" (Lozova, Ukraine)

    This is the video with pronunciation for our parners who will choose our poem for online meeting.

    Lines from Poland poem "Reading"

    Students of 53rd Primary School read "Czytanie"/ "Reading" by Maria Konopnicka.

    Khust (Ukraine), Nastya with the English variant of the poem
    Khust (Ukraine), Valeria with the Ukrainian variant of the poem

    Romanian poem - The book- by Ana Blandiana

    Poem from Vinkovci, Croatia

    (it is a video, click to watch it)

    Latvian poem
    Lidia Baroi

    My student Patricia Amariie read The Slovenian Song

    Lidia Baroi

    My student Iasmina Ciucur read The Greek Poem

    Latvian presentation of our partner's poem
