Τhis is FREESTYLE project meaning that we have tried to share ideas on activities and good practices while the project was ongoing. That way we could maximize the impacts of the events that were held in our school library and circulate the ideas from school library to the class and vice versa (working process to be moved into the school library which can act not only as as a working place instead of the class but also as a "tool" because of the quick access to the sources)
so, all the scheduling was made collaboratively among the founders (shared google doc which is embed in this page) and had been modified by partners that added their ideas during the 1st teachers' videoconference on 01 October 2018 and durring the implementation of the project.
- Students registration and students profiles b) Students profiles copied in FORUM (“Schools Forum”)-Students write a message to other classes threads in "Schools Forum" (communication in FORUMS)
- Survey of students' reading habits (google form) will be conducted on the beginning and on the end of this project, to check the progress
- Optional (google form for parents)
- "Partners" page: We locate our school on the map and we fill the 2 tables (please type a gmail->google account)
- Presentations of each school's team with a photo in Thinglink and posted on the same padlet .
- Presentation of our town: we use a shared google slide (2-3 slides per partner). This will be used by admins to create a video. One more advantage of the shared google slide is that it can be downloaded as pdf and be printed and also we use the pdf in issuu to create an ebook (by admin) Extra productions for our country or traditions etc is optional but good to have and are preferably created by each partner-school in an e-book style (better if they are printable also). There are many tools to create ebooks but not all of them give the option of printing them. Partners could use their own google slide, too.
- Presentation of School's Library
- IMSL activities (October)
- Students create posters and upload them in MATERIALS/IMAGES/POSTERS folder and post them in IMSL/POSTERS page B) Posters created by our partners should be printed and presented in school's library or at school's hall. (Dissemination of the project at school's community). All posters will be added in a DOTSRORMING in Posters-Contest and students will vote the best poster
- Students in Forum reply "Why do love my School's Library"
- Students fill the embed in IMSL/Acrostiche subpage ACROSTIC
- (Optional activity:) Online games to test what students have learned for the partner countries from their presentations or about the books that were presented in Critics Corner
- Recommendations for reading (Critics Corner Page starts and students post in the padlet in the October-November Subpage)
- Dictionary in all partners' mother languages
- READING CLUB starts (all students read the same book that we have decided during the video conference)
- International Book Giving Day 14 February 2019 (activity described in that page)
- Activity for all: Critics Corner Padlets for comments to have discussions about their readings so far from September till the end of January. (Their readings can be anything, even newspapers or magazines at school's library or at home and reference to a "piece" that impressed them-writing a short paragraph). Students present what they have read (using any way they like photo of their work on paper or a slide, or a short paragraph and photo or ebook or other presentation tools). -->subpages in Critics Corner main page. Students HAVE to comment on other student's posts and also create posts in DISCUSSIONS under each page of Critics Corner subpages.
- READING CLUB (on the common book we have decided) : For all partners SUBPAGE "Quotes from the knight" (ebook based on shared google slide where students add which lines from the book had impressed them and create images for these). In the main page of the activity, we add any other activities/productions we have on Reading club like crafts, alternative book cover of the book, etc and students photos working on this activity.
EVERY MONTH we work on:
-->>> We NEED:
- students to participate in as many as possible Discussions/Forums
- Photos/videos of students watching partners' activities/material; (presentations and students working on twinspace or for the project are needed for the final evaluation of the project and be posted on Project Journal). Photos should also be posted in Material AND please if you create collage add in materials the seperate photos also. Shared google folder also very useful to create there your slides or upload files and easily embed them in twinspace after.