Activities on the Kahoot platform

  • Kahoot Learning Apps / Games! were created by students and teachers, with the topics "Human body", "Recyclable materials", "About emotions", "Tolerance in my class"


          The students created questions and solved tests in an interactive and competitive way.


           The teacher asks the students to join the game using a name and enter a PIN. Students answer questions using geometric figures displayed on the screen. At each correct answer there is a winner displayed / posted on the screen, and at the end of the game the "ranking" with the winning students appears. There were discussions, debates through which students discovered the role of the organs of the human body. Also on the Kahoot platform, starting from the notion of recycling, they drafted a list of recyclable materials so as to develop a behaviour aimed at the clean environment, rejecting pollution.


    On the topic of emotions, we talked about how we feel, how we behave in certain situations, if it is normal to have emotions. Through such interactive activities, we all experienced emotions when displaying results on the Kahoot platform.

           The Kahoot game helped the students find answers to some questions and they found new information about: How do we prepare for school? Can we be tolerant with classmates in school? What is tolerance?


           I discovered Kahoot - an easy-to-use application, much loved by students. They perceived this application as a game, being relaxed and eager to interact even more with digital technology, in the school environment, in education and why not in self-education.