• We did great activities during EduDigiPark project.

    Of course we got parents' permission with Parents permission forms.

    Please share your forms.

    So we can show that parents allowed our students to join our activities.

    They can be in your native language ;)

    They can be like this:

    Dear Parent Your child has been chosen to take part in our e-Twinning project “Simplify Communication”. The aim of the project is to increase communication between ourselves and our partner school, while teaching the children how to use the internet safely. The children will post, blog and chat to children in our German partner school using the safe forum - ‘twin space’ on the E twinning portal. They will be supervised at all times by Frau Linfoot, our Modern Foreign languages teacher. If you wish your child to take part, please sign the consent form below. Any further questions about the e twinning project, please speak to myself or Frau Linfoot. Yours sincerely Miss Bradley

    I give permission for my child________________________ to take part in the e-Twinning project. Signed_______________________________ Date_____________
