Les contes de randonnée à Malte / Iterative stories in Malta

  • Here are the iterative stories used in Romina's class



    This week, 16th October, we are working on 2 stories.  One of them is Henry's Show and Tell by Nancy Carlson and the other is The Gingerbread man.  

    Some of our gingerbread man activities :


    Our books:


    Here is a record of the children's show and tell this week.


    Here are the iterative stories used in Romina's class

    Pinocchio Story

    We read the Pinocchio story and there is so much to explore ...

    we talk about sizes - short and long

    We make a game about Jimminy cricket who is Pinocchio's conscience ...

    What would Jimminy think in these circumstances ? I show the children pictures of children doing right and wrong things and they show me A happy Jimminy if it is a good thing and a sad one if it is not!  Zaroica thinks that we do not need Jimminy cricket because we are not made of wood and we have a heart instead :)


    We also make a Pinocchio craft and experiment with Stop Motion Studio.

    click on right hand side of picture 

    The three little aliens and the Big bad robot